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二:如果访问者的计算机上没有装acrobat reader,直接用iframe或者直接用链接打开,那就不是打开文档,而是直接下载了,为了防止下载,想像到媒体文件的播放方式,加上一些官方的docs,考虑用用object标签使用pdf插件嵌入ie中,结果可行。
<HTML> <HEAD> <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> <META http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> <META http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript"> <TITLE>Checking if Acrobat Reader installed (IE4+)...</TITLE> <SCRIPT for="window" event="onload" <!-- document.all [ document.all.PDFNotKnown ? "IfNoAcrobat" : "IfAcrobat" ] .style.display = "block"; //--></SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <NOSCRIPT> Cannot determine if you have Acrobat Reader (or the full Acrobat) installed <FONT size="-1">(because JavaScript is unavailable or turned off)</FONT>. </NOSCRIPT> <DIV id="IfNoAcrobat" style="display:none"> 你需要先安装Adobe Reader才能正常浏览文件,请点击这里下载Adobe Reader. </DIV> <OBJECT type="application/pdf" width=0 height=0 style="display:none"> <DIV id="PDFNotKnown" style="display:none"> </DIV> </OBJECT> <DIV id=showdiv style="Z-INDEX: 0; LEFT:10px; WIDTH: 990px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: -8px; HEIGHT: 10px"> <object classid="clsid:CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000" width="990" height="700" border="0" top="-10" name="pdf"> <param name="toolbar" value="false"> <param name="_Version" value="65539"> <param name="_ExtentX" value="20108"> <param name="_ExtentY" value="10866"> <param name="_StockProps" value="0"> <param name="SRC" value="MXL.pdf"> </object> </DIV> </BODY> </HTML>
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Java代码 :
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IE7.0以上版本的浏览器中可用如下方法,低版本的IE会显示两个Object区域 :
Java代码 :
<object classid="clsid:CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000" width="800" height="1050" border="0"> <param name="_Version" value="65539"> <param name="_ExtentX" value="20108"> <param name="_ExtentY" value="10866"> <param name="_StockProps" value="0"> <param name="SRC" value="1.pdf"> <object data="1.pdf" type="application/pdf" width="300" height="200"> alt : <a href="1.pdf">test.pdf</a> </object> </object> <object classid="clsid:CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000" width="800" height="1050" border="0"> <param name="_Version" value="65539"> <param name="_ExtentX" value="20108"> <param name="_ExtentY" value="10866"> <param name="_StockProps" value="0"> <param name="SRC" value="1.pdf"> <object data="1.pdf" type="application/pdf" width="300" height="200"> alt : <a href="1.pdf">test.pdf</a> </object> </object>
Java代码 :
<!--[if IE]> <object classid="clsid:CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000" width="800" height="1050" border="0"> <param name="_Version" value="65539"> <param name="_ExtentX" value="20108"> <param name="_ExtentY" value="10866"> <param name="_StockProps" value="0"> <param name="SRC" value="1.pdf"> </object> <![endif]--> <!--[if !IE]> <!--> <object data="1.pdf" type="application/pdf" width="800" height="1050"> alt : <a href=‘http://get.adobe.com/cn/reader‘>Adobe Reader.pdf</a> </object> <!--<![endif]--> <!--[if IE]> <object classid="clsid:CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000" width="800" height="1050" border="0"> <param name="_Version" value="65539"> <param name="_ExtentX" value="20108"> <param name="_ExtentY" value="10866"> <param name="_StockProps" value="0"> <param name="SRC" value="1.pdf"> </object> <![endif]--> <!--[if !IE]> <!--> <object data="1.pdf" type="application/pdf" width="800" height="1050"> alt : <a href=‘http://get.adobe.com/cn/reader‘>Adobe Reader.pdf</a> </object> <!--<![endif]-->
低版本浏览器中的处理方法2:通过CSS控制显示隐藏 :
/* hides the second object from all versions of IE */ * html object.hiddenObjectForIE { display: none; } /* display the second object only for IE5 Mac */ /* IE Mac \*//*/ * html object.hiddenObjectForIE { display: inline; } /**/ /* hides the second object from all versions of IE */ * html object.hiddenObjectForIE { display: none; } /* display the second object only for IE5 Mac */ /* IE Mac \*//*/ * html object.hiddenObjectForIE { display: inline; } /**/ <object classid="clsid:CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000" width="800" height="1050" border="0"> <param name="_Version" value="65539"> <param name="_ExtentX" value="20108"> <param name="_ExtentY" value="10866"> <param name="_StockProps" value="0"> <param name="SRC" value="1.pdf"> <object data="1.pdf" type="application/pdf" width="300" height="200" class="hiddenObjectForIE"> alt : <a href="1.pdf">test.pdf</a> </object> </object>
时间: 2024-10-01 03:59:13