Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters leetcode java


Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without
repeating characters. For example, the longest substring without
repeating letters for "abcabcbb" is "abc", which the length is 3. For
"bbbbb" the longest substring is "b", with the length of 1.



“原题链接: http://oj.leetcode.com/problems/longest-substring-without-repeating-characters/ 

道题用的方法是在LeetCode中很常用的方法,对于字符串的题目非常有用。 首先brute force的时间复杂度是O(n^3),



1 public int lengthOfLongestSubstring(String s) {
 2     if(s==null || s.length()==0)
 3         return 0;
 5     HashSet<Character> set = new HashSet<Character>();
 6     int max = 0;
 7     int walker = 0;
 8     int runner = 0;
 9     while(runner<s.length()){
10         if(set.contains(s.charAt(runner))){
11             if(max<runner-walker)
12                 max = runner-walker;
14             while(s.charAt(walker)!=s.charAt(runner)){
15                 set.remove(s.charAt(walker));
16                 walker++;
17             }
18             walker++;
19         }else
20             set.add(s.charAt(runner));
22         runner++;
23     }
24     max = Math.max(max,runner-walker);
25     return max;
26 }

Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters leetcode java

时间: 2024-08-29 03:45:03

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