RAONE - Ra-One Numbers

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In the War between good and evil . Ra-One is on the evil side and G-One on the good side.

Ra-One is fond of destroying cities and its G-one‘s duty to protect them..

Ra-One loves to destroy cities whose Zip Code has special properties. He says he loves to destroy cities which have Ra-One numbers as their ZIp Code.

Any number is Ra-one if the Difference between Sum of digits at even location and Sum of digits at odd location is One (1).. For eg... for 234563 is Ra-One number

digits at odd location are 3,5,3 (unit place is location 1 )

digits at even location are 2,4,6

Diff = (2+4+6)-(3+5+3)=12-11 = 1.

And 123456 is not Ra-One number

diff = (5+3+1) - (2+4+6) = -4

G-One knows this about Ra-one and wants to deploy his Army members in those cities. 1 army member will be deployed in each city.

G-one knows the range of ZIP-Codes where Ra-One might attack & needs your help to find out how many army members he needs.

Can you help Him ?


first line will have only one integer ‘t‘ number of Zip-Code ranges. it is followed by t lines

each line from 2nd line cotains 2 integer ‘from‘  and ‘to‘. these indicate the range of Zip codes where Ra-one might attack .(from and to are included in the range)


A single number for each test case telling how many army members G-One needs to deploy.

each number should be on separate lines


21 1010 100

for 1st test case the only number is 10
for 2nd test case numbers are 10,21,32,43,54,65,76,87,98

NOTE: t will be less than 100from and to will be between 0 and 10^8 inclusive 


题意:求一个区间 偶数位置减去奇数位置的差为一的数的个数



#define L(x) (x<<1)
#define R(x) (x<<1|1)
#define MID(x,y) ((x+y)>>1)

#define bug printf("hihi\n")

#define eps 1e-8

using namespace std;

#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
#define N  100

int dp[10][100][100];
int bit[20];

int dfs(int pos,int le,int ri,bool bound)
    if(pos==0) return ri-le==1 ? 1:0;
    if(!bound&&dp[pos][le][ri]>=0) return dp[pos][le][ri];
    int up=bound ? bit[pos]:9;
    int ans=0;
    for(int i=0;i<=up;i++)
    if(!bound) dp[pos][le][ri]=ans;
    return ans;

int solve(int x)
    int i,j;
    int len=0;
    return dfs(len,0,0,true);

int main()
   int i,j;
   int t;
   int le,ri;
   return 0;

RAONE - Ra-One Numbers

no tags

In the War between good and evil . Ra-One is on the evil side and G-One on the good side.

Ra-One is fond of destroying cities and its G-one‘s duty to protect them..

Ra-One loves to destroy cities whose Zip Code has special properties. He says he loves to destroy cities which have Ra-One numbers as their ZIp Code.

Any number is Ra-one if the Difference between Sum of digits at even location and Sum of digits at odd location is One (1).. For eg... for 234563 is Ra-One number

digits at odd location are 3,5,3 (unit place is location 1 )

digits at even location are 2,4,6

Diff = (2+4+6)-(3+5+3)=12-11 = 1.

And 123456 is not Ra-One number

diff = (5+3+1) - (2+4+6) = -4

G-One knows this about Ra-one and wants to deploy his Army members in those cities. 1 army member will be deployed in each city.

G-one knows the range of ZIP-Codes where Ra-One might attack & needs your help to find out how many army members he needs.

Can you help Him ?


first line will have only one integer ‘t‘ number of Zip-Code ranges. it is followed by t lines

each line from 2nd line cotains 2 integer ‘from‘  and ‘to‘. these indicate the range of Zip codes where Ra-one might attack .(from and to are included in the range)


A single number for each test case telling how many army members G-One needs to deploy.

each number should be on separate lines


21 1010 100

for 1st test case the only number is 10
for 2nd test case numbers are 10,21,32,43,54,65,76,87,98

NOTE: t will be less than 100from and to will be between 0 and 10^8 inclusive 


时间: 2024-12-19 00:55:34

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