zsh下 home end 失效的解决办法

我的环境是 centos 6.5 x64

安装 oh my zsh 后,home end 键失效,解决办法为在 .zshrc 里添加设置如下

#Rebind HOME and END to do the decent thing:
bindkey ‘\e[1~‘ beginning-of-line
bindkey ‘\e[4~‘ end-of-line
case $TERM in (xterm*)
bindkey ‘\eOH‘ beginning-of-line
bindkey ‘\eOF‘ end-of-line

#To discover what keycode is being sent, hit ^v
#and then the key you want to test.

#And DEL too, as well as PGDN and insert:
bindkey ‘\e[3~‘ delete-char
bindkey ‘\e[6~‘ end-of-history
bindkey ‘\e[2~‘ redisplay

#Now bind pgup to paste the last word of the last command,
bindkey ‘\e[5~‘ insert-last-word


也可以直接在shell 使用 ctrl+a 和 ctrl+e 进行句头句尾转跳。

时间: 2024-08-24 17:28:32

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