




操作系统上运行的都是进程,这进程是非托管的。现在。我们有一个Demo.exe,他是用.net写的(这里与语言无关了,因为编设成程序集后,都成为IL语言了),当然是一个托管理程序。这里的问题就是怎么把Demo.exe变成一个进程,运行在操作系统的进程中。这里就引出了应用程序域(Application Domain),应用程序域(Application Domain)是“托管理代码与非托管理代码之间的桥梁”(引自《.NET组件编程设计》)



一个进程中可以有多个应用程序域(Application Domain),一个应用程序域(Application Domain)中可以有多个程序集。

应用程序域(Application Domain)的引入的好处在于,如果一个程序集出现错误,不会影响到别的应用程序域(Application Domain),同时他们又是一个进程中的。

在.net中,应用程序域(Application Domain)是用AppDomain类来表示的。

AppDomain CurrentAD=AppDomain.CurrentDomain;

上面的代码实现了获取当有程序集所在的应用程序域(Application Domain)。获取当前应用程序域(Application Domain)还可以通过当前线程来得到,如下:

AppDomain CurrentAD=Threed.GetDomain();

下面再看一下在当前应用程序域(Application Domain)中创建对象:


Class Class1


Public void FF()





AppDomain CurrentAD=Threed.GetDomain();

Class1 C1=(Class1)CurrentAD.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(“程序集名称”,”名命空间.类名”);


这个是关于当前的应用程序域(Application Domain)的操作,怎么创建一个应用程序域(Application Domain)呢?看下面

AppDomain MyAppDomain=AppDomain.CreatDomain(“MyNewAD”);

Class1 C1=(Class1)MyAppDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(“程序集名称”,”名命空间.类名”);


AppDomain MyAppDomain=AppDomain.CreatDomain(“MyNewAD”);

IObjectHandle handle=MyAppDomain.CreateInstance “程序集名称”,”名命空间.类名”);

Class1 C1=(Class1)handle.Unwrap();



First of all, Application Pool is a concept in IIS, but AppDomain is a concept in .NET.  You can write you own program to use 2 or more AppDomaines.


I did a test with the IIS7 Asp.net 2.0 on my Vista computer.

我在我的Vista电脑IIS7 Aps.net2.0上做了个测试。

Here is the test code:


public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page 
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string info;
        info = "Current Process Name:" + Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName + "
        info += "Current Process Id:" + Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id + "

info += "Current Application Domain:"+AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName + "
        info += "Current Application Domain Base Dir:"+AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "
        divInfo.InnerHtml = info;

Now, I created 2 application pools called AppPool1 and AppPool2;


Then I created 3 applications called AppTest1, AppTest2 and AppTest3. All of them point to the same directory where my sample is.

I put AppTest1 under AppPool1, AppTest2 and AppTest2 under AppPool2.

然后我建立3个站点:AppTest1 应用程序池为AppPool1.AppTest2和AppTest3 应用程序池为AppPool2.都指向刚新建站点目录。

Here is the result:



Current Process Name:w3wp
Current Process Id:3784
Current Application Domain:/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/AppTest1-2-128701111683637820
Current Application Domain Base Dir:C:\inetpub\wwwroot\AppTest\


Current Process Name:w3wp
Current Process Id:5044
Current Application Domain:/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/AppTest2-1-128701111868733395
Current Application Domain Base Dir:C:\inetpub\wwwroot\AppTest\


Current Process Name:w3wp
Current Process Id:5044
Current Application Domain:/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/AppTest3-2-128701113026462030
Current Application Domain Base Dir:C:\inetpub\wwwroot\AppTest\

Here is the conclusion:


IIS process is w3wp;


Every application pool in IIS use it"s own process; AppPool1 uses process 3784, AppPool2 uses process 5044

每个IIS应用程序池都有自己的进程AppPool1 用进程3784.AppPool2用进程5044

Different applications in Asp.net will use different AppDomain;


AppTest2 and AppTest2 are in different AppDomain, but in the same process.


What"s the point to use them?


Application pool and AppDomain , both of them can provide isolations, but use different approches. Application pool use the process to isolate the applications which works without .NET.  But AppDomain is another isolation methods provided by .NET.


If your server host thousands of web sites, you wont use thousands of the application pool to isolate the web sites, just becuase, too many processes running will kill the os. However, sometime you need application pool. One of the advantages for application pool is that you can config the identity for application pool. Also you have more flexible options to recyle the application pool. At least right now, IIS didnt provide explicit options to recyle the appdomain.


A question was asked on a forum that I frequent which I thought was worth writting a blog about.

Q: What is the difference between an application and an Appdomain?  I understand from my research so far that an Appdomain is a container within which ASPX runs and that Apppool is a process that starts the w3wp.exe worker process within which ASP applications run.

A: That‘s a good question.  Here are some key differences:

    • An application is an IIS term, but it‘s one that ASP.NET utilizes.  Essentially it creates a sandbox, or a set of boundaries to separate different sites, or parts of sites, from the others.
    • An AppDomain is a .NET term.  (In IIS7, AppDomains play a larger role within IIS, but for the most part it‘s an ASP.NET term)
    • An AppDomain contains InProc session state (the default session state mode).  So if an AppDomain is killed/recycled, all of your session state information will be lost. (if you are using the default InProc session state)
    • Applications can have multiple AppDomains in them although often times there is a one-to-one relationship between them.
    • In IIS6 and greater, there is the option of creating groups, or "pools" of applications that can be bundled together or separated; however the server administer decides.  These are called Application Pools.  Each app pool runs under its own w3wp.exe worker process.
    • In IIS, it‘s easy to see an application.  A new website is a separate application and any subfolder can be marked as an application.  When they are, the icon beside the folder turnes into a picture of some gears.  By right-clicking on the folder, you have the option of marking a folder as an application or removing it as an application, if it already is one.  Also, in IIS6, in the Application Pools section, you can see all of the applications and which app pool they live under.
    • ASP.NET, on the other hand, doesn‘t give much visibility into AppDomains, at least not from any visual tools.  This is done behind the scenes.  Programmatically you can create them, tear them down or see a list of all running AppDomains.
    • You can recycle an application from IIS.  In IIS5, you can‘t do it directly unless you recycle the entire web server, but in IIS6 and greater, you can recycle the application pool that the application lives under.  It will gracefully die off and a new application will start up to replace it.  Or, to word it another way, another w3wp.exe worker process will be started and then the old one will die off after it completes any currently running page requests.
    • You can recycle an AppDomain in ASP.NET through the ‘touch trick‘.  There are a few ways to do it, but the most straight forward is to edit your web.config file in notepad and add a space to an insignificant place.  Then save the file.  This will cause the AppDomain to recycle.  This *does not* touch the IIS application though.
    • Recycling an AppDomain will come pretty close to starting ASP.NET fresh again for that particular ASP.NET application, so although it doesn‘t recycle the apppool, it can give ASP.NET a fresh start in many situations.
时间: 2025-01-03 08:27:33



在传统的 Win32的程序中,进程是独立的运行空间, 在一些大型系统中, 通常都是将系统中的核心功能分解出来用独立的进程来处理,一方面是为了能获得更高的系统性能.吞吐量 .另一方面是为了能隔离功能之间的错误异常,为了使功能之间互不干扰,用进程进行隔离 ,再通过 IPC 或者其他的方式进行进程间通信, 当某个功能发生严重错误的时候不会使整个系统强制关闭. 其实.NET 的应用程序域诞生的初衷有点这个意思,用 AppDomain 进行隔离错误异常.在我们开发大型系统的时候, 或者是开发系统核心组件的


前言 为什么我会起这样的一个标题,其实我原本只想了解asp.net的管道模型而已,但在查看资料的时候遇到不明白的地方又横向地查阅了其他相关的资料,而收获比当初预想的大了很多. 有本篇作基础,下面两篇就更好理解了: 理解并自定义HttpHandler 理解并自定义HttpModule 目录 一般不写目录,感觉这次要写的东西有些多就写一个清晰一下吧. 1.Asp.net管道模型: 2.进程的子进程与进程的线程: 3.应用程序域(AppDomain): 4.IIS5.x下一个HTTP请求/响应过程的整


学习IIS & MVC的运行原理 我一直疑惑于以下问题,从客户端发出一个请求,请求到达服务器端是怎样跟iis衔接起来的,而iis又是怎样读取我发布的代码的,并返回服务器上的文件.这其中是怎样的一个处理过程. 1:当你从浏览器中输入一个地址或点击一个链接开始,你就已经发出了一个http请求(会根据请求者请求的主机头或者IP或者端口号来找到对应的站点): 2:根据http协议,当请求到达相应的主机服务器时,由服务器上的系统进程http.sys(可以理解为专门处理http请求的进程)接收: 3:htt


原文:https://www.cnblogs.com/1996V/p/9037603.html 应用程序域 传统非托管程序是直接承载在Windows进程中,托管程序是承载在.NET虚拟机CLR上的,而在CLR中管控的这部分资源中,被分成了一个个逻辑上的分区,这个逻辑分区被称为应用程序域,是.NET Framework中定义的一个概念.因为堆内存的构建和删除都通过GC去托管,降低了人为出错的几率,在此特性基础上.NET强调在一个进程中通过CLR强大的管理建立起对资源逻辑上的隔离区域,每个区域的应用


一.CLR寄宿 .net framework在windows平台的顶部允许.者意味着.net framework必须用windows能理解的技术来构建.所有托管模块和程序集文件必须使用windows PE文件格式,而且要么是windows exe文件,要么是DLL文件 1,MSCorEE.dll(垫片)①CLRCreateInstance函数在MSCorEE.dll文件中实现."垫片"的工作是决定创建哪个版本的CLR(的CLR代码在MSCorWks.dll文件中:

理解ASP.NET 5运行时命令:DNVM, DNX, 和DNU

ASP.NET 5 引入了一个新型的运行时,让我们可以现场交付模式组合式构建应用程序,而不依赖于宿主机上的.NET框架.这种新模式为我们提供了命令行工具(DNVM.DNX.DNU)用于管理我们的.net 版本,依赖的库和运行环境,我们可以不需要Visual Studio,只需要一个文本编辑器和命令行就可以开发一个应用程序. 了解.NET 版本管理器 (DNVM) 之间 ,.NET 执行环境 (DNX) 和.NET 开发实用程序 (DNU) 之间的关系是开发 ASP.NET 5的根本.在这篇文章我

深入理解asp.net SessionState

web Form 网页是基于HTTP的,它们没有状态, 这意味着它们不知道所有的请求是否来自同一台客户端计算机,网页是受到了破坏,以及是否得到了刷新,这样就可能造成信息的丢失. 于是, 状态管理就成了开发网络应用程序的一个实实在在的问题.    在ASP中能够通过Cookie .查询字符串. 应用程序.会话(Session) 等轻易解决这些问题.现在在ASP.NET环境中,我们依然可以使用这些功能,并且功能更加强大.状态管理分为服务端和客户端两种情况, 这里只是介绍 服务端状态管理: 与Appl

【C#进阶系列】22 CLR寄宿和AppDomain

关于寄宿和AppDomain 微软开发CLR时,将它实现成包含在一个DLL中的COM服务器. 任何Windows应用程序都能寄宿(容纳)CLR.(简单来讲,就是CLR在一个DLL中,通过引用这个DLL,可以实现包含CLR) CLR COM服务器初始化会创建一个默认AppDomain,这个AppDomain只有在进程终结时才会被销毁. 然而宿主程序还可以要求CLR创建额外的AppDomain. 因为创建进程开销很大,并且需要大量内存来虚拟化进程的地址空间. 所以人们就像可不可以在一个进程上运行多个


多线程开发要理解的几个基本概念:进程.应用程序域.对象上下文 进程:进程是一个操作系统级别的概念,用来描述一组资源和程序运行所必需的内存分配.简单的理解,可以认为进程就是一个运行程序.对于每一个被加载到内存的*.exe程序,在它的生命周期中,操作系统会为之创建一个单独且隔离的进程,一个进程的失败不会影响其他进程. 线程:线程是进程中的基本执行单元,进程的入口点创建的第一个线程被称为主线程..net执行程序使用Main()方法作为程序入口点.仅包含一个主线程的进程是线程安全的,这是由于在某个特定时