


1.It is no use talking to him  // 形式主语

2.Seeing is beliving // 表语

3.He finished reading the book yesterday // 宾语

4.The woman teacher giving us oral lessons is from American // 定语,主动教

5.Walking along the street, we found a purse lying on the ground  // purse wallet 钱包

doing 的时态和语态

主动                            被动                                          用法

一般式:        doing                         being done                                没有明显的先后顺序 时间间隔不是很长,动作紧接着, 或者不要强调时间先后

完成时:        having done                Having been done                      之前发生 // 必须标明动作发生在另一个动作之前

I sorry for not having kept my promise // 道歉之前没有 遵守 否定 直接加上  not

Having been told many times, he still couldn‘t understand it // 时间先后, 被动

// 主动表示被动结构    require/ need/ want/ deserve

Ther house needs repairing == needs to be repaired // 也可以使用被动的形式

The book is well worth reading  // 值得被读

The teacher criticized Tom having broken the windown // 不能做定语

The teacher criticized Tom who had broken the windown // 只能用定语从句

Having downloaded music free is against the law // 不是动名词, 不能做主语 宾语 表语

和doing 不一样

Locking/Having locked the door, she went out // 说话人是否先 强调先后


Tom‘s/His being late is understandable // 所有格,有生命的 主语

I didn‘t mind tom‘s/his/Tom/him being late    //  所有格

I don‘t know about the weather being so awful today

She was disturbed by somebody/ students shouting outside  // 复合不定代词+复数名词


The woman teacher giving us oral lessons is from American

= who/ that gives us oral lessons

The topic being discussed is complicated = The topic which is being discussed

// 与状语从句的转换

1. 句首

As we turend the corner, we saw a church ==== Turning the corner, we saw a church // 主动

It rained all day, so that it completely ruined my holiday. ====== It rained all day, completely ruining my holiday

After I had seen my brother, I felt much relived ===========Having been my brother, I felt  much relieved


The bell indicate (indicating) the end of period rang, interrupt (interruptting) our heated discussion.

The bell which indicated the end of periond rang, which interruptted our heated discussion. // 非限制行定语从句

He got really angry because ace didn‘t  invited to that party.

He got really angry for being invited to that party.

He got really angry for not having been invited to that party.

时间: 2024-07-30 13:44:52



主语/宾语      介宾语 doing            可              可 to do            可             不可 done            不可           不可 done 不能做主语 宾语 只有doing 才能做介词的宾语 时态(和谓语动词比较)                                        介宾语 doing       being done baving been done to do    


Eugene's never willing to alter any of his opinion. it's no use arguing with him   // 固定 missing a bus means waitting for another hour // 固定 意味着 After a knock at the door, the child hearded his mother's voice calling him Palying loud music in public


1. 总体 1).A retired teacher is cleaning the fallen leaves in the yard.  // 已经退休的    已经落在地上的   主动完成的意味 2).The terrified boy doesen't like fried eggs. // 受惊吓的男孩   被炸的蛋  被动的意味 // 放在被修饰的名词前 1. 作定语:简化定语从句 1)The Town Hall completed in the 1930 was the most


独立主格: 有两个主语,一个主语可以将谓语动词,一个只能加非谓语动词 主语A+非谓语//本质上是---状语从句 Spring coming, the tree are turning green.As  spring comes 名词+非谓语// 主动 ing 被动(不管任何时态)    been done 时态      将来用 to do/ to be done Weather permitting(if weather permits), they will go on an outing

28 非谓语的真/假主语和不定式/动名词的否定式

真/假主语(形式主语/真正主语) (1)to 不定式或动名词可以在主语的位置上,但一般用it代替它作形式主语,这种情况it叫形式主语,也就是假主语.为什么使用假主语呢,通常是因为真主语实在太长,不适合在句子中都使用,所以使用假主语(形式主语)代替. 1)It‘s a great honor to be invited. 被邀请很荣幸. 这里使用了形式主语it,“被邀请”这件事才是真正的主语. 真正的句子形式应该是:To be invited is a great honor. 但是一般主语太长,


什么是非谓语? 非谓语反正不是做谓语,可能做主语,宾语,定语,状语,表语等. 非谓语三种结构? 1.ing  --  要么是主语,要么是定语,要么是状语,做主语直接当成名词翻译,做定语当成定语从句翻译,做状语,当成9大状语从句来翻译,注意关系. 2.to do 3.过去分词 独立主格 表示状语,9大状语去找匹配类型.将两个不相关的句子合并为一个句子,还不是复合句.

“A and B ...”,谓语动词必以复数形式呈现?

转自:https://www.shanbay.com/footprints/article/2836/ 通常情况下,大家都会以为“A and B”这样的句型里,谓语动词以复数形式呈现,例子也是信手拈来: Her behaviour and her principles do not accord well together.她的行为与她的原则不很一致. 但事实并非如此. 需要注意的是,本文已经排除了大部分有规律可循的“特殊情况”,即:一些可以影响谓语动词单复数的固定词组,如:or,either

NSPredicate 根据谓语动词 进行 模糊查询

/** *  模糊查询 */ NSString *filterString = textField.text; NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF contains [c] %@", filterString]; self.visableArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[self.dataSourceArray filteredArrayUsing


英语中的谓语 http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=hRs3fnNWu2nooKZUtwIsULAHCzII3LEXONCS2fbnjnPl738DFwnTO2r-agiRLL1w1EzV29F4z48oXR2UjpyUPq 谓语是对主语动作或状态的陈述或说明,指出“做什么”do what,“是什么”what is this或是“怎么样”how. 谓语动词的位置一般在主语之后,经常用动词和形容词搭配然后用来充当谓语动词. 中文名 谓语 外文名 Predicate 作