First class ,6 examples anlaysisi

First class ,6 examples anlaysisi



时间: 2024-12-03 04:02:50

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#网卡类型TYPE=Ethernet#网卡接口名称DEVICE=eth0        #系统启动时是否自动加载ONBOOT=yes         #启用地址协议 --static:静态协议 --bootp协议 --dhcp协议BOOTPROTO=static   #网卡IP地址IPADDR=网卡网络地址NETMASK=网卡网关地址GATEWAY=网卡DNS地址DNS1=网卡设备MAC地址

ODB Examples The following list gives an overview of the examples available in the odb-examples package. Each example is linked to its source code in the repository which also includes a README file with a