How to Auto Scan and Graph 2005 Jaguar XJR with Foxwell NT624

This is the operation instruction about how to auto scan and graph 2005 Jaguar XJR with Foxwell NT624 Scanner.

Vehicle model: 2005 Jaguar XJR


Device usedFoxwell NT624


Operation procedure:

Enter VIN

Input Dialog Box. Save and continue.

Select XJ range 2002.5/ Supercharged V8

Enter Main Groups/ Auto Scan

Select ECM-Engine control module-Fault2 and read code

Select DSM-Driver’s seat module-Fault1 and read code

Select REM-Rear electronic control module-Fault 1 and read code

Select FETM-Audio unit-Fault 2, and read code

Select AMP-Amplifier-Fault 2, and read code.

Select CPM-Cellular telephone control module-Fault 2


Switch the audio unit off.

Establishing vehicle communications. Please wait…

Select Main Group/Control Unit

Diagnostic System Initializing Please wait…

Select Diagnostic Funtion/Live Data

Establishing vehicle communications, Please wait…

Select Live Data/All Data

Brake pedal travel offset-not corrected.

Select system/ECM-Engine control module.

Diagnostic System Initializing. Please Wait…

Select Engine type/4.0L supercharged V8 engine/Supercharged/V8

Establishing vehicle communications. Please wait.


This article from Foxwellshop office blog : Auto Scan and Graph 2005 Jaguar XJR with Foxwell NT624

时间: 2024-11-12 10:51:51

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