(FFOS Gecko) - several ways of registering a XPCOM Component

1. JavaScript Component

  (1) add a CustomComponent.manifest

# The {classID} here must match the classID in CustomComponent.js
component {e6b866e3-41b2-4f05-a4d2-3d4bde0f7ef8} components/CustomComponent.js
contract @foobar/customcomponent;1 {e6b866e3-41b2-4f05-a4d2-3d4bde0f7ef8}
category profile-after-change CustomComponent @foobar/customcomponent;1

  (2)  export a NSGetFactory() function


function CustomComponent() {
CustomComponent.prototype = {
  // this must match whatever is in chrome.manifest!
  classID: Components.ID("{e6b866e3-41b2-4f05-a4d2-3d4bde0f7ef8}"),
  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Components.interfaces.nsICustomComponent]),
  /* nsICustomComponent implementation goes here */

// The following line is what XPCOM uses to create components. Each component prototype
// must have a .classID which is used to create it.
if (XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory) {
    const NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([CustomComponent]);
    this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([CustomComponent]);
} else {
    // for Mozilla 1.9.2 (Firefox 3.6)
    var NSGetModule = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetModule([CustomComponent]);

  (3) add to moz.build

# EXTRA_COMPONENTS installs components written JavaScript to
# dist/bin/components

reference: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/JavaScript_code_modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm

2. C++ Component

copy from gecko/xpcom/sample/nsSampleModule.cpp

// Define the contructor function for the object nsSampleImpl
// What this does is defines a function nsSampleImplConstructor which we
// will specific in the nsModuleComponentInfo table. This function will
// be used by the generic factory to create an instance of nsSampleImpl.
// NOTE: This creates an instance of nsSampleImpl by using the default
//         constructor nsSampleImpl::nsSampleImpl()

// The following line defines a kNS_SAMPLE_CID CID variable.

// Build a table of ClassIDs (CIDs) which are implemented by this module. CIDs
// should be completely unique UUIDs.
// each entry has the form { CID, service, factoryproc, constructorproc }
// where factoryproc is usually nullptr.
static const mozilla::Module::CIDEntry kSampleCIDs[] = {
  { &kNS_SAMPLE_CID, false, nullptr, nsSampleImplConstructor },
  { nullptr }

// Build a table which maps contract IDs to CIDs.
// A contract is a string which identifies a particular set of functionality. In some
// cases an extension component may override the contract ID of a builtin gecko component
// to modify or extend functionality.
static const mozilla::Module::ContractIDEntry kSampleContracts[] = {
  { nullptr }

// Category entries are category/key/value triples which can be used
// to register contract ID as content handlers or to observe certain
// notifications. Most modules do not need to register any category
// entries: this is just a sample of how you‘d do it.
// @see nsICategoryManager for information on retrieving category data.
static const mozilla::Module::CategoryEntry kSampleCategories[] = {
  { "my-category", "my-key", NS_SAMPLE_CONTRACTID },
  { nullptr }

static const mozilla::Module kSampleModule = {

// The following line implements the one-and-only "NSModule" symbol exported from this
// shared library.
NSMODULE_DEFN(nsSampleModule) = &kSampleModule;

// The following line implements the one-and-only "NSGetModule" symbol
// for compatibility with mozilla 1.9.2. You should only use this
// if you need a binary which is backwards-compatible and if you use
// interfaces carefully across multiple versions.
时间: 2024-08-22 03:07:02

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