StartUML license crack


var pk, decrypted;

  • // edit by 0xcb
  • return {
  • name: "0xcb",
  • product: "StarUML",
  • licenseType: "vip",
  • quantity: "",
  • licenseKey: "later equals never!"
  • };
  • try {
  • pk = new NodeRSA(PK);
  • decrypted = pk.decrypt(licenseKey, ‘utf8‘);
  • } catch (err) {
  • return false;
  • }
  • var terms = decrypted.trim().split("\n");
  • if (terms[0] === name && terms[1] === product) {
  • return {
  • name: name,
  • product: product,
  • licenseType: terms[2],
  • quantity: terms[3],
  • licenseKey: licenseKey
  • };
  • } else {
  • return false;
  • }
  • }
时间: 2024-12-28 21:58:27

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