python wmi模块学习

# -*- coding: cp936 -*-

import wmi

c = wmi.WMI ()

for sys in c.Win32_OperatingSystem():

print "Version:%s" % sys.Caption.encode("UTF8"),"Vernum:%s" % sys.BuildNumber

print  sys.OSArchitecture.encode("UTF8")#系统是32位还是64位的

print sys.NumberOfProcesses #当前系统运行的进程总数

import wmi


ret_instance=wmi_instance.query("Select * From MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature")

for t in ret_instance:

print t.InstanceName,"Current Temperature: ",(t.CurrentTemperature/10)-273.15

时间: 2024-10-11 05:49:23

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