【MySQL案例】tpcc--执行tpcc_load报错error while loading shared libraries: libperconaserverclient.s



time ./tpcc_load tpcc1000 root"" 500

./tpcc_load: error while loading sharedlibraries: libperconaserverclient.so.18: cannot open shared object file: Nosuch file or directory


Tpcc-mysql是依赖于percona mysql开发的工具,它依赖于一些percona的库文件,而本案例中测试的是mysql community社区版。




时间: 2024-10-13 00:18:16

【MySQL案例】tpcc--执行tpcc_load报错error while loading shared libraries: libperconaserverclient.s的相关文章

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