jenkins pipeline maven 使用

pipeline {

   * Run everything on an existing agent configured with a label ‘docker‘.
   * This agent will need docker, git and a jdk installed at a minimum.
  agent {
    node {
      label ‘docker‘

  // using the Timestamper plugin we can add timestamps to the console log
  options {

  environment {
    //Use Pipeline Utility Steps plugin to read information from pom.xml into env variables
    IMAGE = readMavenPom().getArtifactId()
    VERSION = readMavenPom().getVersion()

  stages {
    stage(‘Build‘) {
      agent {
        docker {
           * Reuse the workspace on the agent defined at top-level of Pipeline but run inside a container.
           * In this case we are running a container with maven so we don‘t have to install specific versions
           * of maven directly on the agent
          reuseNode true
          image ‘maven:3.5.0-jdk-8‘
      steps {
        // using the Pipeline Maven plugin we can set maven configuration settings, publish test results, and annotate the Jenkins console
        withMaven(options: [findbugsPublisher(), junitPublisher(ignoreAttachments: false)]) {
          sh ‘mvn clean findbugs:findbugs package‘
      post {
        success {
          // we only worry about archiving the jar file if the build steps are successful
          archiveArtifacts(artifacts: ‘**/target/*.jar‘, allowEmptyArchive: true)

    stage(‘Quality Analysis‘) {
      parallel {
        // run Sonar Scan and Integration tests in parallel. This syntax requires Declarative Pipeline 1.2 or higher
        stage (‘Integration Test‘) {
          agent any  //run this stage on any available agent
          steps {
            echo ‘Run integration tests here...‘
        stage(‘Sonar Scan‘) {
          agent {
            docker {
              // we can use the same image and workspace as we did previously
              reuseNode true
              image ‘maven:3.5.0-jdk-8‘
          environment {
            //use ‘sonar‘ credentials scoped only to this stage
            SONAR = credentials(‘sonar‘)
          steps {
            sh ‘mvn sonar:sonar -Dsonar.login=$SONAR_PSW‘

    stage(‘Build and Publish Image‘) {
      when {
        branch ‘master‘  //only run these steps on the master branch
      steps {
         * Multiline strings can be used for larger scripts. It is also possible to put scripts in your shared library
         * and load them with ‘libaryResource‘
        sh """
          docker build -t ${IMAGE} .
          docker tag ${IMAGE} ${IMAGE}:${VERSION}
          docker push ${IMAGE}:${VERSION}

  post {
    failure {
      // notify users when the Pipeline fails
      mail to: ‘[email protected]‘,
          subject: "Failed Pipeline: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}",
          body: "Something is wrong with ${env.BUILD_URL}"


时间: 2024-08-02 05:56:30

jenkins pipeline maven 使用的相关文章

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Jenkins 通过maven 构建编译 JAVA 项目环境 官网下载合适Jenkins版本包: jenkins  Jdk curl -L -O  JDK SE

CentOS6.8 部署Tomcat+jenkins+git+maven 持续集成

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Jenkins + Git + Maven + tomcat集成环境搭建

折腾了好几天,终于吧Jenkins + Git + Maven + tomcat集成环境搭建起来了,最终主要实现"自动构建.部署"web应用. 1.安装环境 操作系统:Centos 6.5 JDK:1.7.x Maven:3.1.x Git: 1.7.1,自建GitLab平台 tomcat:7.x 上述宿主机器2台:,192,168.1.198,其中194位Jenkins Master,198位slave. 2.第三方安装安装和环境配置 JDK.Git.Mav

Jenkins 本地Maven仓库隔离策略

一.概述 如果只使用一个Maven仓库,很容易会造成拥有相同的GroupID/ArtifactID/Version的JOB,在install时会在本地Maven仓库相互覆盖,所以我们要仓库隔离 二.隔离策略 2.1 隔离原因 开发分支JOB和主干JOB会相互覆盖. CI JOB和打包发布JOB会相互覆盖. 2.2 隔离方法 View划分保持一致,Jenkins本地Maven仓库也分成四个,即: CI 开发分支仓库:ci-dev-repo CI 主干仓库:ci-tru-repo 打包开发分支仓库:


jenkins+gitlab+maven+tomcat,该环境主要实现自动构建部署java web应用. 其工作流程是:提交代码到gitlab--jenkins触发构建任务--maven编译打包--jenkins将war包部署到tomcat. 安装JDK #安装jdk1.8 tar zxvf jdk-8u77-linux-x64.gz #设置环境变量 #vi /etc/profile export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.8.0_77 export JAVA_BIN=