Ambari显示server 返回500 error

Ambari server 搭建过程中到了revicw环境遇到点击deploy:发现页面没有响应

Console显示server 返回500 error错误,页面中没有提示更多的报错信息。


12 Mar 2018 21:25:41,903 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert hbase_regionserver_process for an invalid cluster named NGAD_MSE_AB_N1

12 Mar 2018 21:25:41,904 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert spark_thriftserver_status for an invalid cluster named NGAD_MSE_AB_N1

12 Mar 2018 21:25:41,904 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert datanode_webui for an invalid cluster named NGAD_MSE_AB_N1

12 Mar 2018 21:25:41,904 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert livy2_server_status for an invalid cluster named NGAD_MSE_AB_N1

12 Mar 2018 21:25:41,905 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert datanode_process for an invalid cluster named NGAD_MSE_AB_N1

12 Mar 2018 21:25:41,905 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert ambari_agent_version_select for an invalid cluster named NGAD_MSE_AB_N1

12 Mar 2018 21:25:41,905 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert ams_metrics_monitor_process for an invalid cluster named NGAD_MSE_AB_N1

12 Mar 2018 21:25:41,905 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert storm_supervisor_process for an invalid cluster named NGAD_MSE_AB_N1

12 Mar 2018 21:25:41,905 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert spark2_thriftserver_status for an invalid cluster named NGAD_MSE_AB_N1

12 Mar 2018 21:25:41,906 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert nfsgateway_process for an invalid cluster named NGAD_MSE_AB_N1

12 Mar 2018 21:25:41,906 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert ambari_agent_disk_usage for an invalid cluster named NGAD_MSE_AB_N1

12 Mar 2018 21:25:41,906 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert yarn_nodemanager_webui for an invalid cluster named NGAD_MSE_AB_N1

12 Mar 2018 21:25:41,906 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert livy_server_status for an invalid cluster named NGAD_MSE_AB_N1

12 Mar 2018 21:25:41,907 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert yarn_nodemanager_health for an invalid cluster named NGAD_MSE_AB_N1

12 Mar 2018 21:25:41,907 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert flume_agent_status for an invalid cluster named NGAD_MSE_AB_N1

12 Mar 2018 21:25:41,907 ERROR [alert-event-bus-2] AlertReceivedListener:480 - Unable to process alert accumulo_tserver_process for an invalid cluster named NGAD_MSE_AB_N1



解决方案:删除 ambari cluster,然后重新搭建。


时间: 2024-12-12 15:19:22

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