0. 缘起 <Learn Python the Hard Way>Exercise 46 要求安装四个python package pip, distribute, nose, virtualenv,(原书作者特别提醒: Do not just donwload these packages and install them by hand. Instead see how other people recommend you install these packages and use th
1.the use of 'with open... as ...' 2.the use of pickle(dump and load) for Step1: the 'with open ... as...' is the short format of 'try...except...finally' for Step2: you can store a list with pickle.dump() and get the content again with pickle.load()
1.publish 2.update print_lol PS: for Step 1. write the code in to a py file. put the py file into a folder named nester. new a py file named 'setup' and the content as below: setup( name = 'nester', version = '1.0.0', py_modules = ['nester'], author
1.the concept of List 2. how to define a method of myself 3.how to iterator a list PS: for Step 2,3. it is related with a key word: 'def'. we define a function like below. def function name: XXXXX e.g. list iterator : 1 def print_lol(the_list): 2 for
1. download software form the python‘s webset 2. install the python and set the class path 3. verify if the install is correct PS: for Step 2. if you use the default install. then undre the disk C:, there will be a dir like Python34. go to the env se
https://www.udemy.com/python-programming-for-real-life-networking-use/ https://pynet.twb-tech.com/blog/python/books-beginners.html Python Book Recommendations for Beginners (2014-01-17) By Kirk Byers You have decided to learn Python, but which Python
黑客余弦先生在知道创宇的知道创宇研发技能表v3.1中提到了入门Python的一本好书<Learn Python the Hard Way(英文版链接)>.其中的代码全部是2.7版本. 如果你觉得英文版看着累,当当网有中文版,也有电子版可以选择. 我试着将其中的代码更新到Python 3.同时附上一些自己的初学体会,希望会对你有帮助. 中文版有人把书名翻译为<笨办法学python>,其实我觉得叫做<学Python,不走寻常路>更有意思些. 作者的意思你可以在序言中详细了解