opencar模板 opencartchina


  • Compatible with Opencart 1.5.4, Opencart 1.5.5, Opencart 1.5.6, Opencart, Opencart
  • Support Wide Screen 1170px, 980px
  • Built-in Pavo Framework Version 3.0 and Bootstrap 3
  • No Hacking Core Opencart Codes
  • HTML5 and CSS3 Support
  • Full Responsive Theme
  • Google Fonts
  • [NEW] Integrated Mega Menu Module With Lightweight Megamenu Editor Tool
  • Integrated Blog Module
  • Integrated Pav SlideShow Module
  • Valid XHTML and CSS markup
  • Eeasy control theme such as skin changer, font-changer, modules – position via Control Panel Module
  • Easy Use and Easy Customize As great for customwork
  • Support Add Custom Javascript, Css, Change Background
  • [NEW] Improved Awesome Font
  • Support Multiple Layout – Position, Allow drag and drop modules And quick edit module tool supported
  • [New] Multiple Header Layouts
  • [New] Off Canvas Menu and SideBars Support , Display Very nice on Handhelds and Easy to customize
  • [New] Support Multiple Zoom types: Basic Zoom, Inner Zoom, Lens Zoom, Gallery Slider Zoom, Basic Gallery Zoom
  • [New] Quick Popup Zoom Image In Product Listing
  • [New] Support Display Sale Label for Listing Products and Product Detail, In Module Carousel…
  • [New] Support Sass Development
  • [New] Live Theme Edtior to create unlimited Theme Skins Without Coding
  • [New] Support Adding Custom Css and JS Code In Theme Control Module
  • [New] Support Css Compression to improve Site performence
  • [New] Easy install datasample, theme, modules on existed store
  • [New] Support Multiple Language And RTL Language
  • [New] Support Google Map And Custom Content On Contact Page
  • [New] Swap Images Supported
  • [New] Quickview Supported
  • [New] Catalog Mode Supported to Allow disabling add to cart function
  • [New] Google Snipnest supported
  • [New] Import And Export Profiles Supported to customize and change settings of themes, modules
  • [New] Multiple Header Style Layouts
时间: 2024-08-24 10:33:08

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