cocoapods报:Unable to satisfy the following requirements解决方案

今天从github上下载一个项目,然后安装cocoapods却发现报错了:Unable to satisfy the following requirements;然后就赶紧查资料。




解决方法:pod update --verbose


时间: 2024-10-29 02:51:33

cocoapods报:Unable to satisfy the following requirements解决方案的相关文章

Unable to satisfy the following requirements解决方案

今天从git上面download我们项目,然后向往常一样安装Cocoapods,但是却突然发现报错了,尝试了几遍,发现一直报错.然后我这才看了一下,安装Cocoapods的日志,发现抛出了一个报错. [!] Unable to satisfy the following requirements: - `MJExtension` required by `Podfile` - `MJExtension (= 2.4.4)` required by `Podfile.lock` 哎,之前没有见过这

cocoapods出现Unable to satisfy the following requirements: required by `Podfile`的解决方法

1.尝试更新本地仓库:pod update --verbose  如果不行 2.版本号问题 3.pod repo update —verbose 查看缓存  删除本地缓存,重新setup  rm -fr ~/.cocoapods/repos/master  然后运行 $pod setup 如果出现下面错误 git clone error: RPC failed; result=56, HTTP code = 200 错误解决git config --global http.postBuffer

Unable to satisfy the following requirements解决方式

今天从git上面download我们项目,然后向往常一样安装Cocoapods.可是却突然发现报错了,尝试了几遍.发现一直报错. 然后我这才看了一下,安装Cocoapods的日志,发现抛出了一个报错. [!] Unable to satisfy the following requirements: - `MJExtension` required by `Podfile` - `MJExtension (= 2.4.4)` required by `Podfile.lock` 哎.之前没有见过

pod install 报错: Unable to satisfy the following requirements

有时候从github上下载的项目,pod install 报错.原因是项目里的用到的库有最新版本了,Podfile需要更新! 解决办法:执行pod update --verbose(这个命令时间可能会长一些) 更新下,然后在pod install就成功了. pod update --verbose成功界面  ->接着执行pod install就可以了

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