扫描方式前面已经说过,具体参数【5.3】:scales step =1.2, horizontal step =10 percent of width, vertical step =10 percent of height, minimal bounding box size = 20 pixels. This setting produces around 50k bounding
boxes for a QVGA image (240×320), the exact number depends on the aspect ratio of the initial bounding box.
percent of variance of the patch that was selected for tracking。
首先介绍一下TLD所使用的特征,2bit BP,很简单,就是任意两个点的大小关系,取值只有0和1。结合后面的分类器,我更倾向于将特征定义为0/1组成的串/向量。具体来 说,首先随机产生13对坐标,然后比较对应坐标像素值的大小,得到13个0/1,最后依次组成13位二进制数,也就可以看出一个整数。为了去噪,预先对图像进行了高斯滤波。不过图TLD特征中,只有10位。
FerNNClassifier::prepare实现确定特征的比对位置,它在TLD::init函数中被调用,主要是这几个变量features[s][i]、thrN、 posteriors、pCounter、nCounter,命名非常直白,含义就不多说了。
void FerNNClassifier::prepare(const vector<Size>& scales){ acum = 0; // 1. Initialize test locations for features // 随机产生需要坐标对(x1f,y1f,x2f,y2f,注意范围[0,1)), // 即确定由每一个特征是由哪些点对进行而得到,这些位置一旦确定就不会改变, // 由于我们要进行多尺度检测,所以同一个点在不同尺度scales,实际对应的坐标要乘以对应尺度的width和height。 int totalFeatures = nstructs*structSize;//nstructs 10 structSize 13 features = vector<vector<Feature> >(scales.size(),vector<Feature> (totalFeatures)); RNG& rng = theRNG(); float x1f,x2f,y1f,y2f; int x1, x2, y1, y2; for (int i=0;i<totalFeatures;i++){ x1f = (float)rng; //产生[0,1)直接的浮点数 y1f = (float)rng; x2f = (float)rng; y2f = (float)rng; for (int s=0;s<scales.size();s++){ x1 = x1f * scales[s].width; y1 = y1f * scales[s].height; x2 = x2f * scales[s].width; y2 = y2f * scales[s].height; features[s][i] = Feature(x1, y1, x2, y2); } } // 2. Thresholds,负样本的阈值 thrN = 0.5*nstructs; // 3. Initialize Posteriors,为统计直方图分配空间 for (int i = 0; i<nstructs; i++) { posteriors.push_back(vector<float>(pow(2.0,structSize), 0)); pCounter.push_back(vector<int>(pow(2.0,structSize), 0)); nCounter.push_back(vector<int>(pow(2.0,structSize), 0)); } }
void FerNNClassifier::getFeatures(const cv::Mat&image,constint& scale_idx, vector<int>& fern){ int leaf; for (int t=0;t<nstructs;t++){ leaf=0; for (int f=0; f<structSize; f++){ //依次得到每一位 leaf = (leaf << 1) + features[scale_idx][t*nstructs+f](image); } fern[t]=leaf; } }
void FerNNClassifier::trainF(const vector<std::pair<vector<int>,int> >&ferns,intresample){ thrP = thr_fern*nstructs; //0.6*10 for (int i = 0; i <ferns.size(); i++){ if(ferns[i].second==1){//正样本 if(measure_forest(ferns[i].first)<=thrP) update(ferns[i].first,1,1); }else{//负样本 if (measure_forest(ferns[i].first) >= thrN) update(ferns[i].first,0,1); } } }
float FerNNClassifier::measure_forest(vector<int>fern) { float votes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nstructs; i++) { votes += posteriors[i][fern[i]]; } return votes; }
void FerNNClassifier::update(const vector<int>& fern,intC, int N) { int idx; for (int i = 0; i < nstructs; i++) {//10 idx = fern[i];//13位的特征 //C=1,正样本,C=0,负样本 (C==1) ? pCounter[i][idx] +=N : nCounter[i][idx] +=N; if (pCounter[i][idx]==0) {//既然是正概率,如果正样本的数目为0,正样本的概率自然也为0 posteriors[i][idx] = 0; } else { posteriors[i][idx] = ((float)(pCounter[i][idx]))/(pCounter[i][idx] + nCounter[i][idx]); } } }
void TLD::getPattern(const Mat& img, Mat& pattern,Scalar&mean,Scalar&stdev){ resize(img,pattern,Size(patch_size,patch_size)); meanStdDev(pattern,mean,stdev); pattern.convertTo(pattern,CV_32F); pattern = pattern-mean.val[0]; }
void FerNNClassifier::trainNN(const vector<cv::Mat>& nn_examples){ float conf,dummy; vector<int> y(nn_examples.size(),0); y[0]=1;//只有第一个是正样本,并不是原始的目标区域,而是best_box vector<int> isin; for (int i=0;i<nn_examples.size();i++){// For each example NNConf(nn_examples[i],isin,conf,dummy);// Measure Relative similarity if (y[i]==1 && conf<=thr_nn){ if (isin[1]<0){ //注意:如果pEx为空,NNConf直接返回 thr_nn=0,isin都为-1, pEx = vector<Mat>(1,nn_examples[i]); continue; } pEx.push_back(nn_examples[i]);//之前存在正样本,追加 } if(y[i]==0 && conf>0.5) nEx.push_back(nn_examples[i]); } acum++; printf("%d. Trained NN examples: %d positive %d negative\n",acum,(int)pEx.size(),(int)nEx.size()); }
分类函数NNConf,计算的就是待分类样本example和NN分类器中所有正负样本的距离,距离是酱紫计算的(见OpenCV refermanual):
不过,还要进行一些处理才方便作为距离测度, 相关系数的取值范围是[-1,1],加上1变成[0,2],再将范围缩小为[0,1]
相似性包含两种,Relative similarity和Conservative similarity,具体见【5.2】,不过这个版本采用了另一种计算方式,大家自己领会一下吧,我也说不上哪个好。
void FerNNClassifier::NNConf(const Mat& example, vector<int>& isin,float&rsconf,float&csconf){ isin=vector<int>(3,-1); if (pEx.empty()){ //if isempty(tld.pex) % IF positive examples in the model are not defined THEN everything is negative rsconf = 0; // conf1 = zeros(1,size(x,2)); csconf=0; return; } if (nEx.empty()){ //if isempty(tld.nex) % IF negative examples in the model are not defined THEN everything is positive rsconf = 1; // conf1 = ones(1,size(x,2)); csconf=1; return; } Mat ncc(1,1,CV_32F); float nccP,csmaxP,maxP=0; bool anyP=false; int maxPidx,validatedPart = ceil(pEx.size()*valid);//正样本的前 50%,用于计算Conservative similarit【5.2 5】 float nccN, maxN=0; bool anyN=false; for (int i=0;i<pEx.size();i++){ matchTemplate(pEx[i],example,ncc,CV_TM_CCORR_NORMED);// measure NCC to positive examples //相关系数的取值范围是[-1,1],加上1变成[0,2],再将范围缩小为[0,1] nccP=(((float*)[0]+1)*0.5; if (nccP>ncc_thesame)//0.95 anyP=true; if(nccP > maxP){ maxP=nccP;//Relative similarity maxPidx = i; if(i<validatedPart) csmaxP=maxP;//Conservative similari } } for (int i=0;i<nEx.size();i++){ matchTemplate(nEx[i],example,ncc,CV_TM_CCORR_NORMED);//measure NCC to negative examples nccN=(((float*)[0]+1)*0.5; if (nccN>ncc_thesame) anyN=true; if(nccN > maxN) maxN=nccN; } //set isin if (anyP) isin[0]=1; //if he query patch is highly correlated with any positive patch in the model then it is considered to be one of them isin[1]=maxPidx; //get the index of the maximall correlated positive patch if (anyN) isin[2]=1; //if the query patch is highly correlated with any negative patch in the model then it is considered to be one of them //Measure Relative Similarity float dN=1-maxN; float dP=1-maxP; rsconf = (float)dN/(dN+dP); //与原文【5.2】有出入,不过也是可以理解的 //Measure Conservative Similarity dP = 1 - csmaxP; csconf =(float)dN / (dN + dP); }
void TLD::detect(const cv::Mat&frame){ //cleaning dbb.clear(); dconf.clear();;//检测的结果,一个目标一个bounding box double t = (double)getTickCount(); Mat img(frame.rows,frame.cols,CV_8U); integral(frame,iisum,iisqsum);// GaussianBlur(frame,img,Size(9,9),1.5);// int numtrees = classifier.getNumStructs();// nstructs: 10 float fern_th = classifier.getFernTh();//thr_fern:0.6 vector <int> ferns(10); float conf; int a=0; Mat patch; // 1. 方差->结果存在tmp ->随机森林-> for (int i=0;i<grid.size();i++){//FIXME: BottleNeck if (getVar(grid[i],iisum,iisqsum)>=var){//第一关:方差 a++; patch = img(grid[i]); classifier.getFeatures(patch,grid[i].sidx,ferns);//sidx:scale index conf = classifier.measure_forest(ferns);//第二关:随机森林 tmp.conf[i]=conf; //只要能通过第一关就会保存到tmp tmp.patt[i]=ferns; if (conf>numtrees*fern_th){; //第二关 } } else tmp.conf[i]=0.0;//第一关都没过 } int detections =; printf("%d Bounding boxes passed the variance filter\n",a); printf("%d Initial detection from Fern Classifier\n",detections); if (detections>100){//第二关附加赛:100名以后的回家去 nth_element(,,,CComparator(tmp.conf));; detections=100; } if (detections==0){ detected=false; return;//啥都没看到…… } printf("Fern detector made %d detections ",detections); t=(double)getTickCount()-t; printf("in %gms\n", t*1000/getTickFrequency()); // Initialize detection structure dt.patt = vector<vector<int> >(detections,vector<int>(10,0)); // Corresponding codes of the Ensemble Classifier dt.conf1 = vector<float>(detections); // Relative Similarity (for final nearest neighbour classifier) dt.conf2 =vector<float>(detections); // Conservative Similarity (for integration with tracker) dt.isin = vector<vector<int> >(detections,vector<int>(3,-1)); // Detected (isin=1) or rejected (isin=0) by nearest neighbour classifier dt.patch = vector<Mat>(detections,Mat(patch_size,patch_size,CV_32F));// Corresponding patches,patch_size: 15 int idx; Scalar mean, stdev; float nn_th = classifier.getNNTh();//thr_nn:0.65 //3. 第三关:最近邻分类器,用Relative Similarity分类,但是却用 Conservative Similarity作为分数->dconf for (int i=0;i<detections;i++){ // for every remaining detection[i]; // Get the detected bounding box index patch = frame(grid[idx]); getPattern(patch,dt.patch[i],mean,stdev); // Get pattern within bounding box classifier.NNConf(dt.patch[i],dt.isin[i],dt.conf1[i],dt.conf2[i]); // Evaluate nearest neighbour classifier dt.patt[i]=tmp.patt[idx];//ferns if (dt.conf1[i]>nn_th){ // idx = dt.conf1 > tld.model.thr_nn; % get all indexes that made it through the nearest neighbour dbb.push_back(grid[idx]); // BB =,idx); % bounding boxes dconf.push_back(dt.conf2[i]); // Conf = dt.conf2(:,idx); % conservative confidences } } // end if (dbb.size()>0){ printf("Found %d NN matches\n",(int)dbb.size()); detected=true; } else{ printf("No NN matches found.\n"); detected=false; } }