【CodeForces 990A】Commentary Boxes


luogu & CodeForces


Berland Football Cup starts really soon! Commentators from all over the world come to the event.

Organizers have already built nn commentary boxes. mm regional delegations will come to the Cup. Every delegation should get the same number of the commentary boxes. If any box is left unoccupied then the delegations will be upset. So each box should be occupied by exactly one delegation.

If nn is not divisible by mm , it is impossible to distribute the boxes to the delegations at the moment.

Organizers can build a new commentary box paying aa burles and demolish a commentary box paying bb burles. They can both build and demolish boxes arbitrary number of times (each time paying a corresponding fee). It is allowed to demolish all the existing boxes.

What is the minimal amount of burles organizers should pay to satisfy all the delegations (i.e. to make the number of the boxes be divisible by mm )?







感谢@zhaotiensn 提供翻译




还有,别忘了long long!!!


 1 #include<iostream>
 2 #include<cstdio>
 3 #include<algorithm>
 4 using namespace std;
 5 int main(){
 6     long long n,m,a,b;
 7     cin>>n>>m>>a>>b;
 8     long long x=n/m;
 9     long long add=((x+1)*m-n)*a;
10     long long jian=(n-x*m)*b;
11     cout<<min(add,jian)<<endl;
12 }


时间: 2024-11-09 00:30:06

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