1. hadoop-2.7.1-src.tar.gz 解压缩。
Requirements: * Unix System * JDK 1.7+ * Maven 3.0 or later * Findbugs 1.3.9 (if running findbugs) * ProtocolBuffer 2.5.0 * CMake 2.6 or newer (if compiling native code), must be 3.0 or newer on Mac * Zlib devel (if compiling native code) * openssl devel ( if compiling native hadoop-pipes and to get the best HDFS encryption performance ) * Jansson C XML parsing library ( if compiling libwebhdfs ) * Linux FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) version 2.6 or above ( if compiling fuse_dfs ) * Internet connection for first build (to fetch all Maven and Hadoop dependencies)
An alternative is to run ‘mvn install -DskipTests‘ from Hadoop source top level once; and then work from the submodule.
这是在"Building components separately"中的说明。不知道我有没有领会到它正确的意思。然而按照网络上的各种教程,直接到根文件夹里,执行:
$mvn package -Pdist,native,docs -DskipTests -Dtar
Create binary distribution with native code and with documentation:
好的,修改了库地址到墙内之后,速度是快多了。然而又遇到问题,运行卡在了downloading某个文件那一步,不报错,长久地没有反应。据这里网友们的探讨,是因为JDK 1.7的问题(然而hadoop 2.7中指定要JDK 1.7+)。所以就面临两个选择:
1,将JDK换到1.6 。然而这会导致通不过运行:
2,下载hadoop 2.6
(to be continued)
时间: 2024-10-10 16:46:30