【转载】Torch7 教程 Supervised Learning CNN

Torch7 教程 Supervised Learning CNN

分类:             机器学习              2014-08-08 15:59     1426人阅读     评论(0)     收藏     举报

cnnbpdeep learning


在搭建好Torch7之后,我们开始进行监督式Supervised Learning for CNN, Torch7提供了代码和一些说明文件:

http://code.madbits.com/wiki/doku.php?id=tutorial_supervised_1_data 和http://torch.cogbits.com/doc/tutorials_supervised/说的比较详细。

结合http://ufldl.stanford.edu/wiki/index.php/Feature_extraction_using_convolution了解CNN的做法,最关键的是要熟悉http://ufldl.stanford.edu/wiki/index.php/Backpropagation_Algorithm 算法的主要做法。bp算法的目的是为了一次性计算所有的参数导数,该算法利用了chain rule进行error的后向传播。这篇文章写了bp算法: http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/chap2.html,  写的比较详细。

如果背景不熟悉,可以看看Linear Classification, Neutral Network, SGD算法。


https://github.com/clementfarabet/graphicsmagick 进行数据的加载。


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  1. height = 200
  2. width = 200
  3. --see if the file exists
  4. function file_exists(file)
  5. local f = io.open(file, "rb")
  6. if f then f:close() end
  7. return f ~= nil
  8. end
  9. function read_file (file)
  10. if not file_exists(file) then return {} end
  11. lines = {}
  12. for line in io.lines(file) do
  13. lines[#lines + 1] = line
  14. end
  15. return lines
  16. end
  17. -- read all label name. hash them to id.
  18. labels_id = {}
  19. label_lines = read_file(‘labels.txt‘)
  20. for i = 1, #label_lines do
  21. labels_id[label_lines[i]] = i
  22. end
  23. -- read train data. iterate train.txt
  24. local train_lines = read_file("train.txt")
  25. local train_features = torch.Tensor(#train_lines, 3, height, width) -- dimension: sample number, YUV, height, width
  26. local train_labels = torch.Tensor(#train_lines) -- dimension: sample number
  27. for i = 1, #train_lines do
  28. local image = gm.Image("/train_images/" .. train_lines[i])
  29. image:size(width, height)
  30. img_yuv = image:toTensor(‘float‘, ‘YUV‘, ‘DHW‘)
  31. --print(img_yuv:size())
  32. --print(img_yuv:size())
  33. train_features[i] = img_yuv
  34. local label_name = train_lines[i]:match("([^,]+)/([^,]+)")
  35. train_labels[i] = labels_id[label_name]
  36. --print(train_labels[i])
  37. if(i % 100 == 0) then
  38. print("train data: " .. i)
  39. end
  40. end
  41. trainData = {
  42. data = train_features:transpose(3,4),
  43. labels = train_labels,
  44. --size = function() return #train_lines end
  45. size = function() return #train_lines end
  46. }
  47. -- read test data. iterate test.txt
  48. local test_lines = read_file("test.txt")
  49. local test_features = torch.Tensor(#test_lines, 3, height, width) -- dimension: sample number, YUV, height, width
  50. local test_labels = torch.Tensor(#test_lines) -- dimension: sample number
  51. for i = 1, #test_lines do
  52. -- if image size is zero, gm.Imge may throw error, we need to dispose it later.
  53. local image = gm.Image("test_images/" .. test_lines[i])
  54. --print(test_lines[i])
  55. image:size(width, height)
  56. local img_yuv = image:toTensor(‘float‘, ‘YUV‘, ‘DHW‘)
  57. --print(img_yuv:size())
  58. test_features[i] = img_yuv
  59. local label_name = test_lines[i]:match("([^,]+)/([^,]+)")
  60. test_labels[i] = labels_id[label_name]
  61. --print(test_labels[i])
  62. if(i % 100 == 0) then
  63. print("test data: " .. i)
  64. end
  65. end
  66. testData = {
  67. data = test_features:transpose(3,4),
  68. labels = test_labels,
  69. --size = function() return #test_lines end
  70. size = function() return #test_lines end
  71. }
  72. trsize = #train_lines
  73. tesize = #test_lines
height = 200
width = 200
--see if the file exists
function file_exists(file)
  local f = io.open(file, "rb")
  if f then f:close() end
  return f ~= nil

function read_file (file)
  if not file_exists(file) then return {} end
  lines = {}
  for line in io.lines(file) do
    lines[#lines + 1] = line
  return lines

-- read all label name. hash them to id.
labels_id = {}
label_lines = read_file(‘labels.txt‘)
for i = 1, #label_lines do
  labels_id[label_lines[i]] = i

-- read train data. iterate train.txt

local train_lines = read_file("train.txt")
local train_features = torch.Tensor(#train_lines, 3, height, width) -- dimension: sample number, YUV, height, width
local train_labels = torch.Tensor(#train_lines) -- dimension: sample number

for i = 1, #train_lines do
  local image = gm.Image("/train_images/" .. train_lines[i])
  image:size(width, height)
  img_yuv = image:toTensor(‘float‘, ‘YUV‘, ‘DHW‘)
  train_features[i] = img_yuv
  local label_name = train_lines[i]:match("([^,]+)/([^,]+)")
  train_labels[i] = labels_id[label_name]
  if(i % 100 == 0) then
    print("train data: " .. i)

trainData = {
  data = train_features:transpose(3,4),
  labels = train_labels,
  --size = function() return #train_lines end
  size = function() return #train_lines end

-- read test data. iterate test.txt
local test_lines = read_file("test.txt")

local test_features = torch.Tensor(#test_lines, 3, height, width) -- dimension: sample number, YUV, height, width
local test_labels = torch.Tensor(#test_lines) -- dimension: sample number

for i = 1, #test_lines do
  -- if image size is zero, gm.Imge may throw error, we need to dispose it later.
  local image = gm.Image("test_images/" .. test_lines[i])

  image:size(width, height)
  local img_yuv = image:toTensor(‘float‘, ‘YUV‘, ‘DHW‘)
  test_features[i] = img_yuv
  local label_name = test_lines[i]:match("([^,]+)/([^,]+)")
  test_labels[i] = labels_id[label_name]
  if(i % 100 == 0) then
    print("test data: " .. i)

testData = {
  data = test_features:transpose(3,4),
  labels = test_labels,
  --size = function() return #test_lines end
  size = function() return #test_lines end
trsize = #train_lines
tesize = #test_lines

由于图像的大小从32*32变成了200*200, 因此需要修改相应的model中的每一层的大小。


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  1. -- stage 3 : standard 2-layer neural network
  2. model:add(nn.Reshape(nstates[2]*47*47))
  3. model:add(nn.Linear(nstates[2]*47*47, nstates[3]))
  4. model:add(nn.Tanh())
  5. model:add(nn.Linear(nstates[3], noutputs))
时间: 2024-12-11 15:37:40

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