ELK 下载地址elastic

lasticsearch 2.3.5

Elasticsearch can also be installed from our repositories using apt or yum. See Repositories in the Guide.

Installation Steps

  • Download and unzip the latest Elasticsearch distribution

  • Run bin/elasticsearch on Unix or bin\elasticsearch.bat on Windows

  • Run curl -X GET http://localhost:9200/


Logstash 2.3.4

Logstash can also be installed from our repositories using apt or yum. See Repositories in the Guide. Java 7 or higher is required for Logstash 2.x.

See Release Notes

Logstash 2.3.4 All Plugins

Logstash bundled with the latest version of all available plugins at time of release. This full package can be convenient when working in offline environments. Java 7 or higher is required for Logstash 2.x.

Installation Steps

  • 1. Download and unzip the latest logstash release

  • 2. Prepare a logstash.confconfig file

  • 3. Run bin/logstash agent -f logstash.conf


Kibana 4.5.4

Compatible with Elasticsearch 2.3.x. Kibana can also be installed from our repositories using apt or yum. See Repositories in the Guide.

Installation Steps

  • Download and unzip Kibana 4

    Note: Kibana 4.5.x requires Elasticsearch 2.3.x

    • Extract your archive
    • Open config/kibana.yml in an editor
    • Set the elasticsearch.url to point at your Elasticsearch instance
    • Run ./bin/kibana (orbin\kibana.bat on Windows)
    • Point your browser athttp://yourhost.com:5601
    • Check out the README.md


时间: 2024-08-05 01:36:03

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