[LeetCode] 822. Card Flipping Game


On a table are N cards, with a positive integer printed on the front and back of each card (possibly different).

We flip any number of cards, and after we choose one card.

If the number X on the back of the chosen card is not on the front of any card, then this number X is good.

What is the smallest number that is good? If no number is good, output 0.

Here, fronts[i] and backs[i] represent the number on the front and back of card i.

A flip swaps the front and back numbers, so the value on the front is now on the back and vice versa.


Input: fronts = [1,2,4,4,7], backs = [1,3,4,1,3]
Output: 2
Explanation: If we flip the second card, the fronts are [1,3,4,4,7] and the backs are [1,2,4,1,3].
We choose the second card, which has number 2 on the back, and it isn‘t on the front of any card, so 2 is good.


  1. 1 <= fronts.length == backs.length <= 1000.
  2. 1 <= fronts[i] <= 2000.
  3. 1 <= backs[i] <= 2000.





fronts = [1,2,4,4,7]
backs  = [1,3,4,1,3]


bool isExist(int value, vector<int>& vec)
    vector<int>::iterator it = find(vec.begin(), vec.end(), value);
    if (it != vec.end())
        return true;

    return false;

int flipgame(vector<int>& fronts, vector<int>& backs) {
    int min = 2001;
    int tmp;

    vector<int> intersect = {};

    for (int i = 0; i < fronts.size(); i++)
        if (fronts[i] == backs[i])

    for (int i = 0; i < fronts.size(); i++)
        if (!isExist(fronts[i], intersect))
            tmp = fronts[i] <
            if (isExist(backs[i], intersect))
                tmp = backs[i];
            if (isExist(backs[i], intersect))
                tmp = fronts[i];
                tmp = fronts[i] < backs[i] ? fronts[i] : backs[i];

        min = min < tmp ? min : tmp;

    return min == 2001 ? 0 : min;


bool isExist(int value, vector<int>& vec)
    vector<int>::iterator it = find(vec.begin(), vec.end(), value);
    if (it != vec.end())
        return true;

    return false;

int flipgame(vector<int>& fronts, vector<int>& backs) {
    int min = 2001;
    int tmp;

    vector<int> intersect = {};

    for (int i = 0; i < fronts.size(); i++)
        if (fronts[i] == backs[i])

    for (int i = 0; i < fronts.size(); i++)
        if (!isExist(fronts[i], intersect))
            tmp = fronts[i] <
            if (isExist(backs[i], intersect))
                tmp = backs[i];
            if (isExist(backs[i], intersect))
                tmp = fronts[i];
                tmp = fronts[i] < backs[i] ? fronts[i] : backs[i];

        min = min < tmp ? min : tmp;

    return min == 2001 ? 0 : min;


int flipgame(vector<int>& fronts, vector<int>& backs) {
    int min = 2001;
    int tmp;

    unordered_set<int> intersect = {};

    for (int i = 0; i < fronts.size(); i++)
        if (fronts[i] == backs[i])

    for (int i = 0; i < fronts.size(); i++)
        if (intersect.count(fronts[i]) == 0)
            min = min < fronts[i] ? min : fronts[i];

        if (intersect.count(backs[i]) == 0)
            min = min < backs[i] ? min : backs[i];

    return min == 2001 ? 0 : min;



int flipgame(vector<int>& fronts, vector<int>& backs) {
    int res[2002] = {0};  // -1: bad. 1:exist.
    for (int i = 0; i < fronts.size(); i++)
        if (fronts[i] == backs[i])
            res[fronts[i]] = -1;
            if (res[fronts[i]] != -1)
                res[fronts[i]] = 1;
            if (res[backs[i]] != -1)
                res[backs[i]] = 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < 2002; i++)
        if (res[i] == 1)
            return i;
    return 0;


fronts = [1,2,4,4,7]
backs  = [1,3,4,1,3]

res[1] = -1;

res[2] = 1;

res[3] = 1;

res[4] = -1;

res[7] = 1;



  1. set_intersection - C++ Reference
  2. find - C++ Reference


时间: 2024-07-30 17:25:52

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