安装Windows Metasploit Framework

Installing the Metasploit Framework on Windows

1. Visit


to download the Windows installer. Installation 4 2. After you download the installer, locate the file and double-click the installer icon to start the installation process.

3. When the Setup screen appears, click Next to continue.

4. Read the license agreement and select the I accept the license agreement option. Click Next to continue. Installation 5

5. Browse to the location where you want to install the Metasploit Framework. By default, the framework is installed on the C:\ Metasploit-framework. Click Next to continue.

6. Click Install.

7. The installation process can take 5-10 minutes to complete. When the installation completes, click the Finish button.

To launch msfconsole after the installation completes, run the following from the command line:

$ msfconsole.bat

时间: 2024-11-29 03:25:45

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