Chrome showModalDialog undefined is not a function 的替代方案

function myShowModalDialog(url, width, height, fn) {
    if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") > 0) {
        window.returnCallBackValue354865588 = fn;
        var paramsChrome = ‘height=‘ + height + ‘, width=‘ + width + ‘, top=‘ + (((window.screen.height - height) / 2) - 50) +
            ‘,left=‘ + ((window.screen.width - width) / 2) + ‘,toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no, location=no, status=no‘;, "newwindow", paramsChrome);
    else {
        var params = ‘dialogWidth:‘ + width + ‘px;dialogHeight:‘ + height + ‘px;status:no;dialogLeft:‘
                    + ((window.screen.width - width) / 2) + ‘px;dialogTop:‘ + (((window.screen.height - height) / 2) - 50) + ‘px;‘;
        var tempReturnValue = window.showModalDialog(url, "", params);, tempReturnValue);
function myReturnValue(value) {
    if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") > 0) {, value);
    else {
        window.returnValue = value;

以上代码保存到公用JS文件中 页面引用


myShowModalDialog("Channel-Operation-" + $(this).attr("data-id"), 500, 300, function (v) {
    if (v == 1) {





不完美之处是 Chrome 中不是模态窗体



时间: 2024-07-30 23:01:13

Chrome showModalDialog undefined is not a function 的替代方案的相关文章

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undefined is not a function

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问题重现 弹出窗口编码: JavaScript 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 var obj = new Object(); var retval = window.showModalDialog("request.aspx",obj,"dialogWidth=500px;dialogHeight=300px"); if (retval == null) { ... }else { ... } 浏览器异常: Shell 0 1 Uncaught TypeError

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Uncaught TypeError: window.showModalDialog is not a function 谷歌

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【问题与解决】showModalDialog is not defined 的解决方案

背景: showModalDialog 是比较老的方法了,有些浏览器不再支持弹出模态窗口了. 比如说谷歌浏览就不再支持了,有文章说明如下: Chrome’s Lack of Support for showModalDialog Breaks Some Enterprise Web Apps 弹出窗口代码: var obj = new Object(); var retval = window.showModalDialog("request.aspx",obj,"dialo


Js中Prototype.__proto__.Constructor.Object.Function关系介绍 一    Prototype.__proto__与Object.Function关系介绍        Function.Object:Js自带的函数对象. prototype,每一个函数对象都有一个显示的prototype属性,它代表了对象的原型(Function.prototype函数对象是个例外,没有prototype属性). __proto__:每个对象都有一个名为__proto