HDU 2199(二分求方程解)



#define MAXN 505
using namespace std;
double cal(double x)
{   double temp=8.0*pow(x,4)+7.0*pow(x,3)+2.0*pow(x,2)+3.0*x+6.0;
    return temp;
int main()
{   int T;
    {   double ans,y;
        double low=0.0,high=100.0,mid;
        int ok=1;
        if(y>cal(high)||y<cal(low)) ok=0;
        {   mid=low+(high-low)/2.0;
            if(cal(mid)<y) low=mid;
            else high=mid;
        if(!ok) printf("No solution!\n");
    return 0;
时间: 2024-12-11 18:20:32

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