[CSS] Conditionally Apply Styles Using Feature Queries @supports

While browsers do a great job of ignoring styles they don’t understand, it can be useful to provide different sets of styles depending on a browser’s support for them. Learn how to use CSS feature queries without JavaScript.

时间: 2024-08-28 14:03:45

[CSS] Conditionally Apply Styles Using Feature Queries @supports的相关文章

即将来到: CSS Feature Queries (CSS特性查询)

Feature Queries 是CSS3 Conditional Rules specification中的一部分,它支持"@supports"规则,"@supports"规则可以用来测试浏览器是否支持CSS属性和值对.CSS本身有降级机制,比如忽视不支持的属性或值,但当很重要的属性直接被忽视也是很严重的,这个时候你可以用Feature Queries 测试是否支持所有的CSS规则,还可以优化你的页面.Queries在各个浏览器中已经有很多稳定的实现了,比如Chr

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css attr, @supports属性

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