N-Queens II leetcode java


Follow up for N-Queens problem.

Now, instead outputting board configurations, return the total number of distinct solutions.


这道题跟NQueens的解法完全一样(具体解法参照N QueensN Queens leetcode java),只不过要求的返回值不同了。。所以要记录的result稍微改一下就好了。。。




1     public int totalNQueens(int n) {  
 2         int[] res = {0};
 3         if(n<=0)
 4             return res[0];
 6         int [] columnVal = new int[n];
 8         DFS_helper(n,res,0,columnVal);
 9         return res[0];
10     }
12     public void DFS_helper(int nQueens, int[] res, int row, int[] columnVal){
13         if(row == nQueens){
14             res[0] += 1;
15         }else{
16             for(int i = 0; i < nQueens; i++){
17                 columnVal[row] = i;//(row,columnVal[row)==>(row,i)
19                 if(isValid(row,columnVal))
20                     DFS_helper(nQueens, res, row+1, columnVal);
21             }
22         }
23     }
25     public boolean isValid(int row, int [] columnVal){
26         for(int i = 0; i < row; i++){
27             if(columnVal[row] == columnVal[i]
28                ||Math.abs(columnVal[row]-columnVal[i]) == row-i)
29                return false;
30         }
31         return true;


1     int res;
 2     public int totalNQueens(int n) { 
 3         res = 0;
 4         if(n<=0)
 5             return res;
 7         int [] columnVal = new int[n];
 9         DFS_helper(n,0,columnVal);
10         return res;
11     }
13     public void DFS_helper(int nQueens, int row, int[] columnVal){
14         if(row == nQueens){
15             res += 1;
16         }else{
17             for(int i = 0; i < nQueens; i++){
18                 columnVal[row] = i;//(row,columnVal[row)==>(row,i)
20                 if(isValid(row,columnVal))
21                     DFS_helper(nQueens, row+1, columnVal);
22             }
23         }
24     }
26     public boolean isValid(int row, int [] columnVal){
27         for(int i = 0; i < row; i++){
28             if(columnVal[row] == columnVal[i]
29                ||Math.abs(columnVal[row]-columnVal[i]) == row-i)
30                return false;
31         }
32         return true;
33     }

时间: 2024-11-06 01:00:39

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