Introduction to BGP (1)

1. Border Gateway Protocol advertises , learns , and choosed the best paths inside the global Internet.When two ISPs connect , they typically use BGP to exchanges routing information. Enterprises sometimes use BGP to exchange routing information with one or more ISPs, allowing the enterprise routers to learn Internet routes.

2. BGP uses the robust best-path algorithm to choose the best BGP path(route) using rules that extend far beyond just choosing the route with the lowest metric.

3. BGP does establish a neighbor relationship before exchanging topology information with a neighboring router. BGP does not require neighbors to be attached to the same subnet. BGP routes use a TCP connection (port 179) between the routers to pass BGP messages, allowing neighboring routers to be on the same subnet or to be separated by several routers .

4. Instead of choosing the best route just by using an interger metric , BGP uses a more complex process , using a variety of information , called BGP path attributes (PAs), which are exchanged in BGP routing updates much like IGP metric information.

5. The integer BGP ASN uniquely identifies one organization that considers itself autonomous from other organization. Each company whose enterprise network connects to the Internet can be considered to be an autonomous system and can be assigned a BGP ASN. (IANA/ICANN also assigns globally unique ASNs) Additionally , each ISP has an ASN , or possibly several , depending on the size of the ISP.

6. BGP uses the AS_PATH to perform two key functions : Choose the best route for a prefix based on the shortest AS_PATH (fewest number of ASNs listed). ; Prevent routing loops.

7. BGP routers prevent routing loops using the ASNs listed in the AS_PATH , When a BGP router receives an update , and a route advertisement lists an AS_PATH with its own ASN , the router ignores that route . This is because the route has route already been advertised through the local ASN; to believe the route and then advertise it further might cause routing loops.

8. A BGP router behaves differently in several ways depending on whether the peer is an iBGP or eBGP peer . The differences include different rules about what must be true before the two routers can become neighbors , differnet rules about which routes the BGP best-path algorithm chooses as best , and even some different rules about how the routers update the BGP AS_PATH PA.

9. 16-bit ASN Assignment Categories from IANA

  0             Reserved

  1---64495        Assignable by IANA for public use

  64496---64511    Reserved for use in documentation

  64512---65534    private use

  65535          Reserved

时间: 2024-10-07 07:54:15

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边界网关协议(BGP)是运行于 TCP 上的一种自治系统的路由协议. BGP 是唯一一个用来处理像因特网大小的网络的协议,也是唯一能够妥善处理好不相关路由域间的多路连接的协议. BGP 构建在 EGP 的经验之上. BGP 系统的主要功能是和其他的 BGP 系统交换网络可达信息.网络可达信息包括列出的自治系统(AS)的信息.这些信息有效地构造了 AS 互联的拓朴图并由此清除了路由环路,同时在 AS 级别上可实施策略决策. BGP采用TCP179端口,BGP不会学习路由, 只会传递路由. * BG


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