C++ STL之deque学习记录





Double ended queue(双向队列)

deque (usually pronounced like "deck") is an irregular acronym of double-ended queue. Double-ended queues are sequence containers with dynamic sizes that can be expanded or contracted on both ends (either its front or its back).

1. 随机访问,支持[]访问和迭代器访问,这点与vector相似,但是性能没有vector好

2. 可以进行插入和删除操作,这与list相似,但是性能没有list好

3. deque的元素在内存上并不连续,而是将其分成许多个连续的内存块,这与vector的连续内存以及list的分离内存都有所区别,因此就表现为以上的特点。



    1. 默认构造函数(defalult constructor)


        deque(size_type n):创建一个新的双向队列,大小为n

    2. 填充构造函数(fill constructor)

        deque(size_type n, const value_type &val):创建一个新的双向队列,大小为n,每一个元素都是val

        例:deque<int> first(4, 100);//创建一个名为first的双向队列,大小为4,每个元素都是100

    3. 范围构造函数(range constructor)

        deque(iterator begin, iterator end): 创建一个新的双向队列,并且将迭代器begin和end中间的所有元素复制过来

        例:deque<int> second(first.begin(), first.end());//创建了一个名为second的双向队列,并将first中从开始到结尾的元素复制给second

    4. 拷贝构造函数(copy constructor)

        denque(const deque& x): 用双向队列x构造一个相同的双向队列 


    1. begin(), end(): iterator begin(); iterator end();  //return iterator to beginning(end);

    2. rbegin(), rend(): iterator rbegin(); iterator rend();  //return iterator to reverse beginning(reverse end);

    2. cbegin(), cend(), crbegin(), crend(): iterator cbegin(); iterator cend();iterator crbegin(); iterator crend();  //constant


    1. size() : size_type size(); //return the size of current deque

    2. max_size(): size_tyep max_size(); //return the maximum based on the system and implementation limitations

    3. resize(): void resize(size_type n);  

          void resize(size_type n, const value_type &val);          

          解析:If n is smaller than the current container size, the content is reduced to its first n elements, removing

those beyond (and destroying them).If n is greater than the current container size, the content is expanded

by inserting at the end as many elements as needed to reach a size of n. If val is specified, the new elements

are initialized as copies of val, otherwise, they are value-initialized.

    4. empty(): bool empty(); //reutrn true if the deque is empty else return false

    5. shrink_to_fit(): void shrink_to_fit(); //C++11 ,the deque allocates more memory than its size and it  frees the memory that contain no element

访问函数(assess elements):

    1. operator[]: value_type& operator[](size_type n);  //return a reference of the element in index n which can be changed(assign)

           const value_type& operator[](size_type n) const;  //return a reference of the element in index n which can‘t be write

    2. at: value_type& at(size_type n);  //similar to the funciton operator[]

       const value_type& at(size_type n) const;

    3. front(), back(): value_type front(size_type n);

             const value_type front(size_type n) const;

             value_type back(size_type n);

             const value_type back(size_type n) const;



    1. assign(): void assign(iterator begin, iterator end);

           void assign(size_type n, value_type &val);

    2. push_back(), push_front(): void push_back(const value_type& val);  //push an element into the deque at back

                          void push_front(const value_type& val);  //push an element into the deque at front

    3. pop_back(), pop_front(): void pop_back();  //pop an element from the deque at back

                        void pop_front();   //pop an element from the deque at front

    4. insert(): iterator insert(const iterator it, value_type &val);  //insert a value before at specific position

          iterator insert(const iterator it, size_type n, value_type &val);  //insert n values before at specific posion

          iteraotr insert(const iterator it, iterator begin, iterator end);

          //about return value: reutrn an iterator that the newly insert element

    5. erase(): iterator erase(const iterator position);  //erase the element at specific position

           iterator etase(cosnt iterator begin, iterator end); // erase the element at the range

          //about the return value:n iterator pointing to the new location of the element that followed the last element erased by the function call.

    6. swap():  void swap(deque& x); //swap the element of the two deques

     7. clear(): void clear();  //clear the deque




时间: 2024-12-26 02:57:10

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在介绍STL的deque的容器之前,我们先来总结一下vector和list的优缺点.vector在内存中是分配一段连续的内存空间进行存储,其迭代器采用原生指针即可,因此其支持随机访问和存储,支持下标操作符,节省空间.但是其在分配的内存不够的情况下,需要对容器整体进行重新分配.拷贝和释放等操作,而且在vector中间插入或删除元素效率很低. 而list是以节点形式来存放数据,使用的是非连续的内存空间来存放数据,因此,在其内部插入和删除元素的时间复杂度都是O(1),但是其不支持随机访问和存取,不支持


说明:本文仅供学习交流,转载请标明出处,欢迎转载! vector底层采用的是一个数组来实现,list底层采用的是一个环形的双向链表实现,而deque则采用的是两者相结合,所谓结合,并不是两种数据结构的结合,而是某些性能上的结合.我们知道,vector支持随机访问,而list支持常量时间的删除,deque支持的是随机访问以及首尾元素的删除. deque是double ended queue的缩写,读作deck.首先我们用一个图来说明deque底层所采用的数据结构. 这个数据结构有一种似曾相识的感觉


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