PHP编译时错误解决:Don't know how to define struct flock on this system, set --enable-opcache=no


Don‘t know how to define struct flock on this system, set --enable-opcache=no


ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib/ /usr/lib/
ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib/ /usr/lib/

PHP编译时错误解决:Don't know how to define struct flock on this system, set --enable-opcache=no

时间: 2024-08-07 04:10:04

PHP编译时错误解决:Don't know how to define struct flock on this system, set --enable-opcache=no的相关文章

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set --enable-opcache=no 解决

因为centos是64位,所以在安装5.5.16过程中出现 define struct flock on this system, set --enable-opcache=no错误 网上的其它的解决方式都不管用啊.. 最后查看php官方文档解决. 在configure 里面加上   --with-libdir=lib64

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