MSSQL生成整个数据库的SQL脚本的工具 scptxfr.exe

declare @cMd varchar(1000)
set @cmd = ‘master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ‘ + 
‘‘‘c:\"Microsoft ‘ +
‘SQL Server"‘ +
‘\MSSQL\Upgrade\scptxfr.exe ‘ +
‘ /s YourServerName /p YourSAPassword /I /d YourDBName /f ‘ +
exec (@cmd)

SCPTXFR /s <server> /d <database> {[/I] | [/P <password>]}
        {[/F <script files directory>] | [/f <single script file>]}
        /q /r /O /T /A /E /C <CodePage> /N /X /H /G /Y /?
/s - Indicates the source server to connect to.
/d - Indicates the source database to script.
/I - Use integrated security.
/P - Password to use for ‘sa‘. Note that login ID is always ‘sa‘.
     If /P not used or if a password does not follow the flag,
     a null password is used. Not compatible with /I.
/F - The directory into which the script files should be generated.
     This means one file is generated for each category of objects.
/f - The single file in which all script is to be saved.
     Not compatible with /F.
/q - Use quoted identifiers in the generated scripts.
/r - Include drop statements for the objects in the script.
/O - Generate OEM script files.  Cannot be used with /A or /T.
     This is the default behavior.
/T - Generate UNICODE script files.  Cannot be used with /A or /O.
/A - Generate ANSI script files.  Cannot be used with /T or /O.
/? - Command line help.
/E - Stop scripting when error occurs.
     Default behavior is to log the error, and continue.
/C - Indicate the CodePage which overrides the server CodePage.
/N - Generate ANSI PADDING.
/X - Script SPs and XPs to separate files.
/H - Generate script files without header (default: with header).
/G - Use the specified server name as the prefix for the generated             
     output files(to handle dashes in server name).
/Y - Generate script for Extended Properties (valid for 8.x server 

时间: 2024-10-05 05:01:59

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