多个类定义attr属性重复的问题:Attribute "xxx" has already been defined

如果从单独开发app的话,可能不会遇到多个自定义类的attribute 的名字重复的问题。但是如果是团队合作开发的话,可能会碰到这样的问题,A和B自定义的两个类都用了同一个名字来定义属性,这时系统会报出警告,Attribute
"xxx" has already been defined. A和B又都不想修改自己的名字,这时就很头痛。

"icon" has already been defined。因为在PreferenceHeader, Preference两个属性集里定义了两个相同的属性。

<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?>
< resources >
     < declare-styleable name= "PreferenceHeader" >
        <!-- Identifier value for the header. -->
        < attr name= "id" format = "integer"/>
        < attr name= "icon" format = "integer" />
        <!-- The fragment that is displayed when the user selects this item. -->
    </declare-styleable >
    < declare-styleable name= "Preference" >
        < attr name= "icon" format = "integer" />
        <!-- The key to store the Preference value. -->
        < attr name= "key" format = "string" />
    </declare-styleable >
</ resources >





<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?>
< resources >
     < attr name = "icon" format = "integer" />
     < declare-styleable name= "PreferenceHeader" >
        <!-- Identifier value for the header. -->
        < attr name= "id" format = "integer"/>
        < attr name= "icon" />
        <!-- The fragment that is displayed when the user selects this item. -->
    </declare-styleable >
    < declare-styleable name= "Preference" >
        < attr name= "icon"  />
        <!-- The key to store the Preference value. -->
        < attr name= "key" format = "string" />
    </declare-styleable >
</ resources >
时间: 2025-01-16 09:53:57

多个类定义attr属性重复的问题:Attribute "xxx" has already been defined的相关文章

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