View and Data API tips: 缓存Access Token

对于云API服务,常见的方式就是按照API调用次数收费,某些API调用也就有某些限制,比如在特定时间内只允许调用指定的次数以免造成滥用。虽然Autodesk的view and Data API目前还没有应用这样的限制,但我们最好也能实现这样的机制,比如对于或者Access Token这样的操作,一个Access Token是有一定的有效期的,在这个token的有效期内,我们就没必要重复发出API调用获取新的Acces Token,只有返回仍然有效的token就可以了。下面是c#实现的简单的逻辑,用一个全局静态变量来缓存Access Token:

public class Util{    private static readonly ILog logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Util));

    string baseUrl = "";    RestClient m_client;

    public static AccessToken token;    public static DateTime issueDateTime;    //refresh token if the token is about to expire in 5 seconds    public static int ABOUT_EXPIRED_SECONDS = 5;

    public Util(string baseUrl)    {        this.baseUrl = baseUrl;        m_client = new RestClient(baseUrl);    }

    public AccessToken GetAccessToken(string clientId, string clientSecret)    {        //no token or token is going to be expired         // (less than ABOUT_EXPIRED_SECONDS)

        if (token == null            || (DateTime.Now - issueDateTime).TotalSeconds                > (token.expires_in - ABOUT_EXPIRED_SECONDS))        {            RestRequest req = new RestRequest();            req.Resource = "authentication/v1/authenticate";            req.Method = Method.POST;            req.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");            req.AddParameter("client_id", clientId);            req.AddParameter("client_secret", clientSecret);            req.AddParameter("grant_type", "client_credentials");            //avoid CORS issue, do not use this if you just need to get access token from same domain

            req.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");

            IRestResponse<AccessToken> resp = m_client.Execute<AccessToken>(req);            logger.Debug(resp.Content);

            if (resp.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)            {                AccessToken ar = resp.Data;                if (ar != null)                {                    token = ar;

                    //update the token issue time                    issueDateTime = DateTime.Now;

                }            }            else            {

                logger.Fatal("Authentication failed! clientId:" + clientId);


        }        else        {            ;//Do nothing, use the saved access token in static var         }

        return token;    }




时间: 2024-08-01 18:48:30

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