翻译-Apple Watch离我们的心越来越近?

原文标题:Is Apple Watch Getting Closer to Our Hearts?

Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, showed off their newest device, the Apple Watch. Mr. Cook said it is the "most personal" device Apple has ever created.

苹果公司CEO Tim Cook 展示了他们最新的电子设备Apple Watch。Mr. Cook表示,这是苹果至今所创造的最具个性化的电子设备。

The Apple Watch is a miniature, or very small, computer a person wears on his or her wrist. There will be three models with straps to attach them to your wrist. An Apple Watch will be able to do many of the same things as an iPhone. It will show email, texts, news, health readings and other information. These apps will be customized for the watch. It will be different than just seeing what is on your phone.

Apple Watch是一种用户可以戴到手腕上的微缩模型或微型电脑。将会有三款配备表带的产品。一个Apple Watch可以做很多同样能够在iPhone上面做的事情。它可以显示电子邮件、短信、新闻、健康读物以及其他信息。这些应用是为Apple Watch专门定制的。它们和你手机上看到的程序不一样。

Like a phone, you will be able to receive calls on your wrist. Mr. Cook smiled while describing this. "I‘ve been wanting to do this since I was five years old," he said. "The day is finally here." Decades ago, a comic strip hero named Dick Tracy talked into his wrist watch, but until now, that has only been something possible in the future.

像手机一样,你可以在手腕上接听电话。说到这一点时,Mr. Cook笑了。“在我五岁的时候我就想做这样一件事了”,他说。“这一天终于来到了。”几十年前,一个名叫 Dick Tracy 的漫画英雄对着他的腕表说话,但直到现在,只有在未来才有一些可能。

Mr. Cook also said it is "incredibly intimate." He said you can capture and send your heartbeat to another person with an Apple Watch.

Mr. Cook还表示Apple Watch可以“令人难以置信的亲密交流”。你可以捕获你的心跳然后发送给另一个使用Apple Watch的用户。

"This is an incredibly intimate way to tell someone that you are thinking about them," he said. "I hope someone sends me one of those.


”The crown of the Apple Watch is what sets this Apple product apart from other companies‘ smart watches. Like the touch screen on smartphones, the crown controls what you can do. By turning the crown on an Apple Watch, one can zoom in and out, to look at a map, for example.

Apple Watch的表冠使得苹果的这款产品有别于其他公司的智能手表。如同智能手表的触摸屏一样,表冠决定了你可以做什么。通过转动Apple Watch的表冠,用户可以体验缩放功能,比如查看地图时可以缩放地图。

The watches will be available in stores in late April. They will be sold at different prices, beginning at $349. Mr. Cook called the high-end model, the one made of 18-karat gold, "jaw dropping beautiful." Its price tag will be thousands of dollars.

这款手表将在4月下旬,在苹果商店以不同的价格出售,起价是349美元。Mr. Cook称高端机型由18k黄金制成,“令人惊叹的漂亮”,其标价数千美元。

"The biggest surprise to me was that the price range goes up to $10,000 for the Apple Edition Watch," writes tech blogger Carolyn Nicander Mohr of The Wonder of Tech. "That price is quite steep for technology that may be obsolete in a year."

Carolyn Nicander Mohr在“科技奇迹”上的科技博客写道:“对于我来说最大的意外是Apple Edition Watch的价格区间居然上升到了10000美元,这个价格对于一年后就可能会过时的科技产品来说太夸张了。”

”Apple hopes to excite consumers so they will want to buy and wear computers on their bodies. The first smartwatches from Samsung, Sony and LG have not been selling well. Only five million smartwatches were sold last year, according to Strategy Analytics. Another wearable computer, Google Glass eyewear, is no longer on the market.

Apple希望能让消费者感到兴奋而购买和穿戴Apple Watch。来自三星。索尼和LG的第一款智能手表并不是很畅销。根据策略分析数据,去年只有五百万只智能手表销售出去。另一款可穿戴的谷歌眼镜已经退出市场了。

Critics(评论家) say one problem with Apple Watch is that you need an iPhone on your body, or nearby, to make this watch fully functional(所有功能). Like a phone, it will also need to be charged each night. It remains to be seen whether people really want to carry both a smartphone and a smartwatch.

评论家表示Apple Watch的一个问题是用户的iPhone手机需要带在身上或者在附近才能让Apple Watch发挥全部功能。像iPhone一样,Apple Watch也需要每天晚上都充电。人们是否需要同时携带一个智能手机和一个智能手表仍有待继续观察。

Apple has overcome(战胜) skeptics(怀疑论者) before. Both computer tablets(平板电脑) and smartphones were not popular until Apple released the iPad and iPhones.


The announcement(公告) today comes after last week‘s news that Apple will replace AT&T on the Dow Jones(道琼斯) Industrial Average. The Dow Jones index(指数) includes the top 30 companies representing(代表) the U.S. economy and markets.


时间: 2024-10-01 06:23:21

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