最近在一些机器视觉群中的一些小伙伴们多次问到opencv是否集成了LBP算法,据我了解opencv没有单独的LBP特征描述算法实现,都是和一些应用结合,如人脸识别,检测等,这些都是一些论文的研究成果,针对于特定的应用,这对于想将LBP特征描述用到自己的应用中的伙伴来说,或许不太方便。opencv也没有一个单独的特征描述这样的一个module,这或许限制了使用opencv的灵活性,而且个人体会视觉问题最终根本的问题都落在了特征描述这样的一个最基本的问题,包括近几年很火的深度学习,其解决的最根本问题也是特征表达。我们已有的机器学习理论非常的丰富,一个区分能力强,不变性强的特征往往比改进机器学习算法的到的识别效果要好的多。期待opencv开源者在特征描述这块增加更多的内容,也期待自己某天也作出一点贡献。不过现阶段的特征描述与我们语义上的特征在实际应用中差别还很大,多数都是更具经验和知识进行手工描述的,近些年也有一些data driven的方法,但是还有很长的一段路要走,还需要大量研究者作出新的贡献,或许某天我们能够将人的视觉系统如何处理和存储信息一步一步的描述清楚,机器视觉问题才能最终得到解决。呵呵,这都是自己的一些浅显看法,希望大家批评指正。下面开始进入正题吧。
局部二值模式(local binary pattern,LBP)算子是一个描述图像局部空间结构的非参数模型算子,是由T.Ojala于1996年首先提出的,而且Ojala等又于2002年对LBP算子在纹理分类中的高区分能力予以了证明。LBP算法思想简单容易理解、计算复杂度小、对单调的灰度变换不敏感并且能够很好地描述图像的局部纹理特征,广泛的应用到识别领域。LBP算子经过了一系列的改进,到目前为止,或许CLBP中提出的3种差异描述算子组合的改进是最好的。这篇blog在CLBP基础之上又提出了4种其它的差异算子,其中有些算子的组合也作为研究成果发表了,这里基于OpenCV2将7种算子用C++实现,共享出来,你可以用你的“想象力”将这些算子组合作为特征提取,应用到实际应用中。下面先对LBP及相关改进进行简单描述,然后给出7种差异算子的源码及实验结果。
正是基于上述考虑,研究者提出了均匀模式(uniform patterns)的概念,这是对LBP算子的由一重大改进。对于一个局部二值模式,在将其二进制位串视为循环的情况下,如果其中包含的从0到1或者从1到0转变不多于两个,则称这个局部二值模式为均匀模式。例如,模式00000000(0个转变),01110000(2个转变)和11001111(2个转变)都是均匀模式,而模式11001001(4个转变)和01010011(6个转变)则不是。
CLBP是12年被提出的,用三种局部差异算子描述纹理特征:局部灰度差异描述算子(CLBP-Sign, CLBP_S)、局部梯度差异描述算子(CLBP-Magnitude, CLBP_M)以及中心像素点描述算子(CLBP-Center, CLBP_C)。三个算子的计算方式如下:
在CLBP中的3种算子基础上提出了另外4种差异描述算子,它们分别在CLBP_M和CLBP_C算子基础之上各提出了另外2种类CLBP_M和CLBP_C差异描述算子。如果你在熟悉CLBP的基础之上理解这些算子是相对较容易的,可以参考相关论文:《A completed modeling of local binary pattern operator for textureclassification》,《用于纹理特征提取的改进的LBP算法》。下面就直接给出代码好了。
class ICLBP { private: double global_average_difference(const cv::Mat& src, int radius=1, int neighbors=8) { assert(radius>0 && neighbors>0); //compute global average difference double averageDiff = 0; for(int n=0; n<neighbors; n++){ // position of sample point float x = static_cast<float>(-radius * sin(2.0*CV_PI*n/static_cast<float>(neighbors))); float y = static_cast<float>(radius * cos(2.0*CV_PI*n/static_cast<float>(neighbors))); // flooring and ceiling int fx = static_cast<int>(floor(x)); int fy = static_cast<int>(floor(y)); int cx = static_cast<int>(ceil(x)); int cy = static_cast<int>(ceil(y)); // decimals float ty = y - fy; float tx = x - fx; // weight of interpolation float w1 = (1 - tx) * (1 - ty); float w2 = tx * (1 - ty); float w3 = (1 - tx) * ty; float w4 = tx * ty; // processing image data for(int i=radius; i < src.rows-radius;i++){ for(int j=radius;j < src.cols-radius;j++) { // compute interpolation value float t = static_cast<float>(w1*src.at<uchar>(i+fy,j+fx) + w2*src.at<uchar>(i+fy,j+cx) + w3*src.at<uchar>(i+cy,j+fx) + w4*src.at<uchar>(i+cy,j+cx)); averageDiff += abs(t-src.at<uchar>(i,j)); } }//processing data for }//outer for averageDiff /= (neighbors*(src.rows-radius)*(src.cols-radius)); return averageDiff; } double local_average_difference(const cv::Mat& src, int i, int j, int radius=1, int neighbors=8) { assert(i>=0 && i<src.cols && j>=0 && j<src.rows); assert(radius>0 && neighbors>0); double averageDiff = 0; for(int n=0; n<neighbors; n++){ // compute position of sample point float x = static_cast<float>(-radius * sin(2.0*CV_PI*n/static_cast<float>(neighbors))); float y = static_cast<float>(radius * cos(2.0*CV_PI*n/static_cast<float>(neighbors))); // flooring and ceiling int fx = static_cast<int>(floor(x)); int fy = static_cast<int>(floor(y)); int cx = static_cast<int>(ceil(x)); int cy = static_cast<int>(ceil(y)); // decimals float ty = y - fy; float tx = x - fx; // weight of interpolation float w1 = (1 - tx) * (1 - ty); float w2 = tx * (1 - ty); float w3 = (1 - tx) * ty; float w4 = tx * ty; // sum of interpolation value float t = static_cast<float>(w1*src.at<uchar>(i+fy,j+fx) + w2*src.at<uchar>(i+fy,j+cx) + w3*src.at<uchar>(i+cy,j+fx) + w4*src.at<uchar>(i+cy,j+cx)); averageDiff += abs(t-src.at<uchar>(i,j)); } averageDiff /= neighbors; return averageDiff; } double global_average_gray(const cv::Mat& src) { double whole = 0; for(int i=0; i<src.rows; i++) { for(int j=0; j<src.cols; j++) { whole += src.at<uchar>(i,j); } } whole /= (src.rows)*(src.cols); return whole; } double local_average_gray(const cv::Mat& src, int i, int j, int radius=1, int neighbors=8) { assert(i>=0 && i<src.cols && j>=0 && j<src.rows); assert(radius>0 && neighbors>0); double t = 0; for(int n=0; n<neighbors; n++){ // compute position of sample point float x = static_cast<float>(-radius * sin(2.0*CV_PI*n/static_cast<float>(neighbors))); float y = static_cast<float>(radius * cos(2.0*CV_PI*n/static_cast<float>(neighbors))); // flooring ceiling int fx = static_cast<int>(floor(x)); int fy = static_cast<int>(floor(y)); int cx = static_cast<int>(ceil(x)); int cy = static_cast<int>(ceil(y)); // decimals float ty = y - fy; float tx = x - fx; // weight of interpolation float w1 = (1 - tx) * (1 - ty); float w2 = tx * (1 - ty); float w3 = (1 - tx) * ty; float w4 = tx * ty; // sum of interpolation value t += static_cast<float>(w1*src.at<uchar>(i+fy,j+fx) + w2*src.at<uchar>(i+fy,j+cx) + w3*src.at<uchar>(i+cy,j+fx) + w4*src.at<uchar>(i+cy,j+cx)); } t /= neighbors; return t; } public: //local gray difference code cv::Mat lbps(const cv::Mat& src, int radius=1, int neighbors=8){ assert(src.data); assert(radius > 0 && neighbors > 0); assert((src.type()==CV_8UC1)); assert(radius>0 && neighbors>0); cv::Mat dst(src.rows, src.cols, CV_8UC1); dst.setTo(0); for(int n=0; n<neighbors; n++){ // position of sample point float x = static_cast<float>(-radius * sin(2.0*CV_PI*n/static_cast<float>(neighbors))); float y = static_cast<float>(radius * cos(2.0*CV_PI*n/static_cast<float>(neighbors))); // flooring and ceiling int fx = static_cast<int>(floor(x)); int fy = static_cast<int>(floor(y)); int cx = static_cast<int>(ceil(x)); int cy = static_cast<int>(ceil(y)); // decimals float ty = y - fy; float tx = x - fx; // weight of interpolation float w1 = (1 - tx) * (1 - ty); float w2 = tx * (1 - ty); float w3 = (1 - tx) * ty; float w4 = tx * ty; // processing image data for(int i=radius; i < src.rows-radius;i++){ for(int j=radius;j < src.cols-radius;j++) { // compute interpolation value float t = static_cast<float>(w1*src.at<uchar>(i+fy,j+fx) + w2*src.at<uchar>(i+fy,j+cx) + w3*src.at<uchar>(i+cy,j+fx) + w4*src.at<uchar>(i+cy,j+cx)); // coding dst.at<uchar>(i-radius,j-radius) += ((t > src.at<uchar>(i,j)) || (std::abs(t-src.at<uchar>(i,j)) < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())) << n; } }//processing data for }//outer for return dst; } //differnece between local differnce and global average differnce code cv::Mat lbpm(const cv::Mat& src, int radius=1, int neighbors=8) { assert(src.data); assert(radius > 0 && neighbors > 0); assert((src.type()==CV_8UC1)); assert(radius>0 && neighbors>0); cv::Mat dst(src.rows, src.cols, CV_8UC1); dst.setTo(0); double averageDiff = global_average_difference(src, radius, neighbors); for(int n=0; n<neighbors; n++){ // position of sample point float x = static_cast<float>(-radius * sin(2.0*CV_PI*n/static_cast<float>(neighbors))); float y = static_cast<float>(radius * cos(2.0*CV_PI*n/static_cast<float>(neighbors))); // flooring and ceiling int fx = static_cast<int>(floor(x)); int fy = static_cast<int>(floor(y)); int cx = static_cast<int>(ceil(x)); int cy = static_cast<int>(ceil(y)); // decimals float ty = y - fy; float tx = x - fx; // weight of interpolation float w1 = (1 - tx) * (1 - ty); float w2 = tx * (1 - ty); float w3 = (1 - tx) * ty; float w4 = tx * ty; // processing image data for(int i=radius; i < src.rows-radius;i++){ for(int j=radius;j < src.cols-radius;j++) { // compute interpolation value float t = static_cast<float>(w1*src.at<uchar>(i+fy,j+fx) + w2*src.at<uchar>(i+fy,j+cx) + w3*src.at<uchar>(i+cy,j+fx) + w4*src.at<uchar>(i+cy,j+cx)); // coding t -= src.at<uchar>(i,j); dst.at<uchar>(i-radius,j-radius) += ((abs(t) > averageDiff) || (std::abs(abs(t)-averageDiff) < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())) << n; } }//processing data for }//outer for return dst; } //differnece between local differnce and local average differnce code cv::Mat lbpm_local(const cv::Mat& src, int radius=1, int neighbors=8) { assert(src.data); assert(radius > 0 && neighbors > 0); assert((src.type()==CV_8UC1)); assert(radius>0 && neighbors>0); cv::Mat dst(src.rows, src.cols, CV_8UC1); dst.setTo(0); for(int i=radius; i < src.rows-radius;i++){ for(int j=radius;j < src.cols-radius;j++) { double averageDiff = local_average_difference(src, i, j, radius, neighbors); for(int n=0; n<neighbors; n++){ // compute position of sample point float x = static_cast<float>(-radius * sin(2.0*CV_PI*n/static_cast<float>(neighbors))); float y = static_cast<float>(radius * cos(2.0*CV_PI*n/static_cast<float>(neighbors))); // flooring and ceiling int fx = static_cast<int>(floor(x)); int fy = static_cast<int>(floor(y)); int cx = static_cast<int>(ceil(x)); int cy = static_cast<int>(ceil(y)); // decimals float ty = y - fy; float tx = x - fx; // weight of interpolation float w1 = (1 - tx) * (1 - ty); float w2 = tx * (1 - ty); float w3 = (1 - tx) * ty; float w4 = tx * ty; // sum of interpolation value float t = static_cast<float>(w1*src.at<uchar>(i+fy,j+fx) + w2*src.at<uchar>(i+fy,j+cx) + w3*src.at<uchar>(i+cy,j+fx) + w4*src.at<uchar>(i+cy,j+cx)); // coding t -= src.at<uchar>(i,j); dst.at<uchar>(i-radius,j-radius) += ((abs(t) > averageDiff) || (std::abs(abs(t)-averageDiff) < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())) << n; } }//for }//for return dst; } //differnece between local average differnce and local average differnce cv::Mat lbpm_local_whole(const cv::Mat& src, int radius=1, int neighbors=8) { assert(src.data); assert(radius > 0 && neighbors > 0); assert((src.type()==CV_8UC1)); assert(radius>0 && neighbors>0); cv::Mat dst(src.rows, src.cols, CV_8UC1); dst.setTo(0); double global = global_average_difference(src, radius, neighbors); for(int i=radius; i < src.rows-radius;i++){ for(int j=radius;j < src.cols-radius;j++) { double local = local_average_difference(src, i, j, radius, neighbors); if(local > global) { dst.at<uchar>(i, j) = 255; }else { dst.at<uchar>(i, j) = 0; } } } return dst; } //diffrence between local gray and global average gray cv::Mat lbpc(const cv::Mat& src) { assert(src.data); assert((src.type()==CV_8UC1)); cv::Mat dst(src.rows, src.cols, CV_8UC1); dst.setTo(0); double whole = global_average_gray(src); for(int i=0; i<src.rows; i++) { for(int j=0; j<src.cols; j++) { if(src.at<uchar>(i,j) > whole) { dst.at<uchar>(i, j) = 255; }else { dst.at<uchar>(i, j) = 0; } } } return dst; } //difference between local gray and local average gray cv::Mat lbpc_local(const cv::Mat& src, int radius=1, int neighbors=8) { assert(src.data); assert(radius > 0 && neighbors > 0); assert((src.type()==CV_8UC1)); cv::Mat dst(src.rows, src.cols, CV_8UC1); dst.setTo(0); for(int i=radius; i < src.rows-radius;i++){ for(int j=radius;j < src.cols-radius;j++) { double local = local_average_gray(src, i, j, radius, neighbors); if(src.at<uchar>(i, j) > local) { dst.at<uchar>(i-radius, j-radius) = 255; }else { dst.at<uchar>(i-radius, j-radius) = 0; } } } return dst; } //difference between local average gray and local average gray cv::Mat lbpc_local_whole(const cv::Mat& src, int radius=1, int neighbors=8) { assert(src.data); assert(radius > 0 && neighbors > 0); assert((src.type()==CV_8UC1)); assert(radius>0 && neighbors>0); cv::Mat dst(src.rows, src.cols, CV_8UC1); dst.setTo(0); double whole = global_average_gray(src); for(int i=radius; i < src.rows-radius;i++){ for(int j=radius;j < src.cols-radius;j++) { double local = local_average_gray(src, i, j, radius, neighbors); if(local > whole) { dst.at<uchar>(i-radius, j-radius) = 255; }else { dst.at<uchar>(i-radius, j-radius) = 0; } } } return dst; } };
struct Mapping { int* table; int samples; int num; Mapping() { samples =0; num = 0; table = NULL; } ~Mapping() { if (table != NULL) delete[] table; } private: Mapping& operator=(const Mapping&); Mapping(const Mapping&); }; static int GetTransU2(int i, int samples) { int trans = 0; int temp = i; temp = temp>>1; int pre = i - (temp<<1); int next; int j = 2; do { int temp2 = temp; temp2 = temp2>>1; next = temp -(temp2<<1); if(pre != next) { trans++; } pre = next; temp = temp2; j++; }while(j <= samples); return trans; } static int GetMinRi(int i, int samples) { int rm = i; int r = i; for(int j=0; j<samples-1; j++) { int temp = r; temp = temp>>1; int out = r - (temp<<1); out = out<<(samples-1); r = out + temp; if(r < rm) { rm = r; } } return rm; } static int GetNumOf1(int i, int samples) { int num = 0; for(int j=0; j<samples; j++) { int temp = i; temp = temp>>1; int out = i - (temp<<1); num += out; i = temp; } return num; } void GetMapping(Mapping& map, int samples=8, std::string mappingType="u2") { assert(samples >0); assert(mappingType == "u2" || mappingType == "ri" || mappingType == "riu2"); int newMax = 0; //number of new patterns int tableNum = 1; for(int i=0; i<samples; i++) { tableNum <<= 1; } map.table = new int[tableNum]; if(mappingType == "u2") { newMax = samples*(samples-1) + 3; int index = 0; for(int i=0; i<tableNum; i++) { int trans = GetTransU2(i, samples); if(trans <= 2) { map.table[i] = index; index++; }else { map.table[i] = newMax-1; } }//for }else if(mappingType == "ri") { int *tempTable = new int[tableNum]; for(int i=0; i<tableNum; i++) { tempTable[i] = -1; } for(int i=0; i<tableNum; i++) { int rm = GetMinRi(i, samples); if (tempTable[rm] < 0) { tempTable[rm] = newMax; newMax = newMax + 1; } map.table[i] = tempTable[rm]; }//for delete[] tempTable; }else if(mappingType == "riu2") { newMax = samples + 2; for(int i=0; i<tableNum; i++) { int trans = GetTransU2(i, samples); if(trans <= 2) { map.table[i] = GetNumOf1(i, samples); }else { map.table[i] = samples + 1; } } } map.samples = samples; map.num = newMax; }
//get statistical feature form combination of lbps_r and lbpc_r static std::vector<double> GetLBP_S_C(const cv::Mat& src, Mapping& Map, int radius=1, int neighbors=8, std::string histType="hs") { assert(src.data != NULL); assert(radius > 0 && neighbors > 0); assert((src.type()==CV_8UC1)); assert(histType == "u2" || histType == "ri" || histType == "riu2"); //initialize feature vector std::vector<double> hist; for(int i=0; i<Map.num*2; i++) { hist.push_back(0); } ICLBP clbp; cv::Mat lbps = clbp.lbps(src, radius, neighbors); cv::Mat lbpc = clbp.lbpc(src, radius, neighbors); for(int i=1; i<src.rows-1; i++) { for(int j=1; j<src.cols-1; j++) { int pos = Map.table[lbps.at<uchar>(i-1, j-1)]; if(lbpc.at<uchar>(i-1, j-1) != 0) { hist[2*pos] ++; }else { hist[2*pos+1]++; } } } if(histType == "hs") { double whole = 0; for(int i=0; i<Map.num*2; i++) { whole += hist[i]; } for(int i=0; i<Map.num*2; i++) { hist[i] /= whole; } } return hist; }
《A completed modeling of local binary pattern operator for textureclassification》