

Asynchronous Socket Programming Examples with epoll

Programs using epoll often perform actions in this sequence:

  1. Create an epoll object
  2. Tell the epoll object to monitor specific events on specific sockets
  3. Ask the epoll object which sockets may have had the specified event since the last query
  4. Perform some action on those sockets
  5. Tell the epoll object to modify the list of sockets and/or events to monitor
  6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 until finished
  7. Destroy the epoll object
 1  import socket, select
 2    3  EOL1 = b‘\n\n‘
 4  EOL2 = b‘\n\r\n‘
 5  response  = b‘HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nDate: Mon, 1 Jan 1996 01:01:01 GMT\r\n‘
 6  response += b‘Content-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Length: 13\r\n\r\n‘
 7  response += b‘Hello, world!‘
 9  serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
10  serversocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
11  serversocket.bind((‘‘, 8080))
12  serversocket.listen(1)   #Since sockets are blocking by default, this is necessary to use non-blocking (asynchronous) mode.
13  serversocket.setblocking(0)
15  epoll = select.epoll()
16  epoll.register(serversocket.fileno(), select.EPOLLIN)
18  try:
19     connections = {}; requests = {}; responses = {}
20     while True:
21        events = epoll.poll(1)
22        for fileno, event in events:
23           if fileno == serversocket.fileno():          #Events are returned as a sequence of (fileno, event code) tuples. fileno is a synonym for file descriptor           and is always an integer.
24              connection, address = serversocket.accept()
25              connection.setblocking(0)
26              epoll.register(connection.fileno(), select.EPOLLIN)
27              connections[connection.fileno()] = connection
28              requests[connection.fileno()] = b‘‘
29              responses[connection.fileno()] = response
30           elif event & select.EPOLLIN:
31              requests[fileno] += connections[fileno].recv(1024)
32              if EOL1 in requests[fileno] or EOL2 in requests[fileno]:
33                 epoll.modify(fileno, select.EPOLLOUT)
34                 print(‘-‘*40 + ‘\n‘ + requests[fileno].decode()[:-2])
35           elif event & select.EPOLLOUT:
36              byteswritten = connections[fileno].send(responses[fileno])
37              responses[fileno] = responses[fileno][byteswritten:]
38              if len(responses[fileno]) == 0:
39                 epoll.modify(fileno, 0)
40                 connections[fileno].shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
41           elif event & select.EPOLLHUP:
42              epoll.unregister(fileno)
43              connections[fileno].close()
44              del connections[fileno]
45  finally:
46     epoll.unregister(serversocket.fileno())
47     epoll.close()
48     serversocket.close()


1  import socket, select
 3  EOL1 = b‘\n\n‘
 4  EOL2 = b‘\n\r\n‘
 5  response  = b‘HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nDate: Mon, 1 Jan 1996 01:01:01 GMT\r\n‘
 6  response += b‘Content-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Length: 13\r\n\r\n‘
 7  response += b‘Hello, world!‘
 9  serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
10  serversocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
11  serversocket.bind((‘‘, 8080))
12  serversocket.listen(1)
13  serversocket.setblocking(0)
15  epoll = select.epoll()
16  epoll.register(serversocket.fileno(), select.EPOLLIN | select.EPOLLET)
18  try:
19     connections = {}; requests = {}; responses = {}
20     while True:
21        events = epoll.poll(1)
22        for fileno, event in events:
23           if fileno == serversocket.fileno():
24              try:
25                 while True:
26                    connection, address = serversocket.accept()
27                    connection.setblocking(0)
28                    epoll.register(connection.fileno(), select.EPOLLIN | select.EPOLLET)
29                    connections[connection.fileno()] = connection
30                    requests[connection.fileno()] = b‘‘
31                    responses[connection.fileno()] = response
32              except socket.error:
33                 pass
34           elif event & select.EPOLLIN:
35              try:
36                 while True:
37                    requests[fileno] += connections[fileno].recv(1024)
38              except socket.error:
39                 pass
40              if EOL1 in requests[fileno] or EOL2 in requests[fileno]:
41                 epoll.modify(fileno, select.EPOLLOUT | select.EPOLLET)
42                 print(‘-‘*40 + ‘\n‘ + requests[fileno].decode()[:-2])
43           elif event & select.EPOLLOUT:
44              try:
45                 while len(responses[fileno]) > 0:
46                    byteswritten = connections[fileno].send(responses[fileno])
47                    responses[fileno] = responses[fileno][byteswritten:]
48              except socket.error:
49                 pass
50              if len(responses[fileno]) == 0:
51                 epoll.modify(fileno, select.EPOLLET)
52                 connections[fileno].shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
53           elif event & select.EPOLLHUP:
54              epoll.unregister(fileno)
55              connections[fileno].close()
56              del connections[fileno]
57  finally:
58     epoll.unregister(serversocket.fileno())
59     epoll.close()
60     serversocket.close()

Performance Considerations

Listen Backlog Queue Size

In Examples 1-4, line 12 has shown a call to the serversocket.listen() method. The parameter for this method is the listen backlog queue size. It tells the operating system how many TCP/IP connections to accept and place on the backlog queue before they are accepted by the Python program. Each time the Python program calls accept() on the server socket, one of the connections is removed from the queue and that slot can be used for another incoming connection. If the queue is full, new incoming connections are silently ignored causing unnecessary delays on the client side of the network connection. A production server usually handles tens or hundreds of simultaneous connections, so a value of 1 will usually be inadequate. For example, when using abto perform load testing against these sample programs with 100 concurrent HTTP 1.0 clients, any backlog value less than 50 would often produce performance degradation.


TCP Options

The TCP_CORK option can be used to "bottle up" messages until they are ready to send. This option, illustrated in lines 34 and 40 of Example 5, might be a good option to use for an HTTP server using HTTP/1.1 pipelining.


On the other hand, the TCP_NODELAY option can be used to tell the operating system that any data passed to socket.send() should immediately be sent to the client without being buffered by the operating system. This option, illustrated in line 14 of Example 6, might be a good option to use for an SSH client or other "real-time" application.

时间: 2024-12-18 03:41:49


python epoll实现异步socket

一.同步和异步: 在程序执行中,同步运行意味着等待调用的函数.线程.子进程等的返回结果后继续处理:异步指不等待当下的返回结果,直接运行主进程下面的程序,等到有返回结果时,通知主进程处理.有点高效. 二.epoll实现异步网络通信: 首先epoll只支持linux下的python. 服务端实现epoll异步的主要流程就是如下代码,讲解将在代码里面书写: 1 # -*- coding:utf -*- 2 3 import socket 4 import select 5 ''' 6 需要用到的lib

python epoll方式tcp连接回发消息

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import socket import select class testserver(): def __init__(self): self.serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.serversocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.serversocket


下面这篇,原理理解了, 再结合 这一周来的心得体会,整个框架就差不多了... 有许多封装好的异步非阻塞IO多路复用框架,底层在linux基于最新的epoll实现,为了更好的使用,了解其底层原理还是有必要的.下面记录下分别基于Select/Poll/Epoll的echo server实现.Python Select Server,可监控事件数量有限制: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

python--第十天总结(Select/Poll/Epoll使用 )

Python Select Server,可监控事件数量有限制: #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import select import socket import Queue server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) server.setblocking(False) server.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REU


上一篇对twisted大致做了介绍以及一些基本的概念. 这一篇从一个python epoll/soket聊天程序开始. 我们要实现的很简单,就是利用epoll实现一个服务端/客户端间的聊天,服务端和客户端可以接收消息的同时,可以利用raw_input,在命令行输入. 我们将socket fd设置为非阻塞的,但是我们知道标准的输入输出io都是阻塞的,我们就开辟一个线程专门处理输入,在主线程进行消息的收发.这样当我们没有输入的时候,raw_input就会阻塞,由我们的主线程进行监听和处理.代码如下:


基本概念 IO多路复用是指内核(线性扫描)一旦发现进程指定的一个或者多个IO条件准备就绪,它就通知该进程,执行定义的操作. 适用场景 1.当客户处理多个描述符时(一般是交互式输入和网络套接字),必须使用I/O复用. 2.当一个客户同时处理多个套接字时,而这种情况是可能的,但很少出现. 3.如果一个TCP服务器既要处理监听套接字,又要处理已连接套接字,一般也要用到I/O复用. 4.如果一个服务器即要处理TCP,又要处理UDP,一般要使用I/O复用. 5.如果一个服务器要处理多个服务或多个协议,一般


在Python中如何使用Linux的epoll 目录 序言 阻塞socket编程示例 异步socket的好处以及Linux epoll 带epoll的异步socket编程示例 性能注意事项 源代码 序言 从2.6开始,Python包含了访问Linux epoll库的API.这篇文章用几个简单的python 3例子来展示下这个API.欢迎大家质疑和反馈. 阻塞socket编程示例 示例1用python3.0搭建了一个简单的服务:在8080端口监听HTTP请求,把它打印到控制台,并返回一个HTTP响


#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- import socket, select EOL1 = b'/r/n' EOL2 = b'/r/n/r/n' # 拼接成的response response = b'HTTP/1.0 200 OK/r/nDate: Mon, 1 Jan 1996 01:01:01 GMT/r/n' response += b'Content-Type: text/plain/r/nContent-Length: 13/r

# 进程/线程/协程 # IO:同步/异步/阻塞/非阻塞 # greenlet gevent # 事件驱动与异步IO # Select\Poll\Epoll异步IO 以及selectors模块 # Python队列/RabbitMQ队列

1 # 进程/线程/协程 2 # IO:同步/异步/阻塞/非阻塞 3 # greenlet gevent 4 # 事件驱动与异步IO 5 # Select\Poll\Epoll异步IO 以及selectors模块 6 # Python队列/RabbitMQ队列 7 8 ############################################################################################## 9 1.什么是进程?进程和程序之间有什么


原 生socket客户端在与服务端建立连接时,即服务端调用accept方法时是阻塞的,同时服务端和客户端在收数据(调用recv)时也是阻塞的.原生 socket服务端在同一时刻只能处理一个客户端请求,即服务端不能同时与多个客户端进行通信,实现并发,导致服务端资源闲置(此时服务端只占据 I/O,CPU空闲). 现在的需求是:我们要让多个客户端连接至服务器端,而且服务器端需要处理来自多个客户端请求.很明显,原生socket实现不了这种需求,此时我们该采用什么方式来处理呢? 解决方法:采用I/O多路复