html email的问题




HTML and CSS in Email Design

If you‘re creating HTML emails – then here‘s a table you‘ll want to bookmark.  If you’ve followed our blog – you know that top email clients like Gmail and Outlook 2007 and beyond only support about 50% of all html and css.  That’s why your well crafted email design that follows otherwise best-practices for website design – just might look.. well, bad.

Below – with help from – we’ve summarized the universally supported html and CSS tags. These can be used and will render properly in any email client (excluding Lotus Notes 6.5/7.0.  Notes supports the following HTMLbut only supports the CSS properties with an *).

Pinpointe customers can use our email campaign preview tool to check and validate HTML before sending. The inbox preview tool previews emails in 40+ top email clients and points out HTML and CSS code that won‘t work correctly.  Also note – the CSS properties below should be used INLINE (not in an embedded style sheet, but with a style="…" directive), since some clietns like Gmail strip embedded style sheets.

时间: 2024-10-10 20:35:54

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