
I also faced the same problem few weeks ago when implementing a VoIP server. After spending several days I could come up with a solution. As many others mentioned, there is no any direct system call to do the job. Instead,

  1. You can check if we have received the ACK after sending a packet with TCP_INFO option.
  2. If we haven‘t received the ACK, wait for few milliseconds and check again.

This may continue until a time out reaches. You have to implement it as a wrapper function to send() call. You will need tcp_info struct from <netinet/tcp.h>. It is the data structure for holding information about your tcp connection.

Here is the pseudo code

int blockingSend(const char *msg, int msglen, int timeout) {

    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(write_mutx);

    int sent = send(sock_fd, msg, msglen,  0); 

    tcp_info info;
    auto expireAt = chrono::system_clock::now() + chrono::milliseconds(timeout);
    do {
        getsockopt(sock_fd,SOL_TCP, TCP_INFO, (void *) &info, sizeof(info));

      //wait till all packets acknowledged or time expires
    } while (info.tcpi_unacked > 0 && expireAt > system_clock::now());

    if(info.tcpi_unacked>0) {
        cerr << "no of unacked packets :" << info.tcpi_unacked << endl;
        return -1;
    return sent;

Here tcpi_unacked member holds the number of packets unacknowledged of your connection. If you read it soon after the send() call, it will contain number of unacked packets which is equal to number of packets sent. With time, number of unacked packets will be decremented to zero. Therefore you need to periodically check the value of tcpi_unacked till it reaches zero. If the connection is half opened, you will never receive ACKs while causing a endless loop. For such scenarios you may need to add a timeout mechanism as implemented above.

Even though this question has been asked long ago, this answer may help some one who has faced the same problem. I must mention that there could be more accurate solutions to this problem than this solution. Since I am a newbie to system programming and C/C++ this is what I could come up with.

时间: 2024-10-06 00:12:54


Java基础知识强化之网络编程笔记06:TCP之TCP协议发送数据 和 接收数据

1. TCP协议发送数据 和 接收数据 TCP协议接收数据:• 创建接收端的Socket对象• 监听客户端连接.返回一个对应的Socket对象• 获取输入流,读取数据显示在控制台• 释放资源 TCP协议发送数据: • 创建发送端的Socket对象• 这一步如果成功,就说明连接已经建立成功了.• 获取输出流,写数据• 释放资源 2. 代码实现: (1)发送端: 1 package cn.itcast_06; 2 3 import; 4 import java

[转帖]Linux TCP/IP协议栈,数据发送接收流程,TCP协议特点

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TCP数据量--滑动窗口、拥塞窗口、慢启动、Negle算法 经受时延的确认等

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[转载] tcp数据重传时间细节探秘及数据中心优化

原文: 在数据中心网络内,机器之间数据传输的往返时间(rtt)一般在10ms以内,为此调内部服务的超时时间一般会设置成50ms.200ms.500ms等,如果在传输过程中出现丢包,这样的服务超时时间,tcp层有机会发现并重传一次数据么?如果设置成200ms以内,答案是没有机会,原因是linux系统下第一次重传时间等于传输的往返时间上至少加上200ms的预测偏差值,即如果rtt值是7ms,第一次重传超时时间至少是2

Sweet Snippet系列 之 TCP数据接收

Sweet Snippet系列 之 TCP数据接收 一.引子 虽说仍然是Sweet Snippet,不过本篇并没有代码,纯粹是自己觉得有点趣味,就索性一记了~ 二. 问题 接触过网络编程的朋友大概都应知道TCP,作为一种"流"式协议,TCP的粘包问题一直都是程序处理的要点,而这次的问题就是,如果发送n字节的TCP数据,对端接收时会出现多少种接收情况? 三. 解法 我们先从具体的一个实例来简单算一算吧~就假设我们发送了3个字节的TCP数据: 由于TCP如果接收成功至少可以接收一个字节,所


//1.该片为引用别人的文章: 解决TCP网络传输"粘包"问题 解决TCP网络传输"粘包"问题 作者:杨小平 王胜开 原文出处: 当前在网络传输应用中,广泛采用的是TCP/IP通信协议及其标准的socket应用开发编程接口(API).TCP/IP传输层有两个并列的协议:TCP和UDP.其中TCP(trans

linux C - TCP数据收发示例

1.client端(读) #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <sys/socket.h> void error_handling(char *msg); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int sock_fd;


在有关TCP连接的很多配置中,有很多选项有的配置 net.ipv4.tcp_rmem:这个参数定义了TCP接收缓冲(用于TCP接收滑动窗口)的最小值.默认值.最大值 net.ipv4.tcp_wmem:这个参数定义了TCP发送缓冲(用于TCP发送滑动窗口)的最小值.默认值.最大值 netdev_max_backlog:当网卡接收数据包的速度大于内核处理的速度时,会有一个队列保存这些数据包.这个参数表示队列的最大值 rmem_default:这个参数表示内核套接字接收缓存区默认的大小 wmem_d