[LeetCode] Range Addition 范围相加

Assume you have an array of length n initialized with all 0‘s and are given k update operations.

Each operation is represented as a triplet: [startIndex, endIndex, inc] which increments each element of subarray A[startIndex ... endIndex] (startIndex and endIndex inclusive) with inc.

Return the modified array after all k operations were executed.



    length = 5,
    updates = [
        [1,  3,  2],
        [2,  4,  3],
        [0,  2, -2]


    [-2, 0, 3, 5, 3]


Initial state:
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]

After applying operation [1, 3, 2]:
[ 0, 2, 2, 2, 0 ]

After applying operation [2, 4, 3]:
[ 0, 2, 5, 5, 3 ]

After applying operation [0, 2, -2]:
[-2, 0, 3, 5, 3 ]


  1. Thinking of using advanced data structures? You are thinking it too complicated.
  2. For each update operation, do you really need to update all elements between i and j?
  3. Update only the first and end element is sufficient.
  4. The optimal time complexity is O(k + n) and uses O(1) extra space.

Special thanks to @vinod23 for adding this problem and creating all test cases.

这道题刚添加的时候我就看到了,当时只有1个提交,0个接受,于是我赶紧做,提交成功后发现我是第一个提交成功的,哈哈,头一次做沙发啊,有点小激动~这道题的提示说了我们肯定不能把范围内的所有数字都更新,而是只更新开头结尾两个数字就行了,那么我们的做法就是在开头坐标startIndex位置加上inc,而在结束位置加1的地方加上-inc,那么根据题目中的例子,我们可以得到一个数组,nums = {-2, 2, 3, 2, -2, -3},然后我们发现对其做累加和就是我们要求的结果result = {-2, 0, 3, 5, 3},参见代码如下:


class Solution {
    vector<int> getModifiedArray(int length, vector<vector<int>>& updates) {
        vector<int> res, nums(length + 1, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < updates.size(); ++i) {
            nums[updates[i][0]] += updates[i][2];
            nums[updates[i][1] + 1] -= updates[i][2];
        int sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            sum += nums[i];
        return res;



class Solution {
    vector<int> getModifiedArray(int length, vector<vector<int>>& updates) {
        vector<int> res(length + 1);
        for (auto a : updates) {
            res[a[0]] += a[2];
            res[a[1] + 1] -= a[2];
        for (int i = 1; i < res.size(); ++i) {
            res[i] += res[i - 1];
        return res;



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时间: 2024-11-10 12:03:39

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