处理编译错误"0" is an invalid value for the "DebugInformation" parameter of the "DCC"


处理编译错误"0" is an invalid value for the "DebugInformation" parameter of the "DCC"

[摘要:正在装置一个从XE6复造到XE4的控件时涌现编译毛病: [MSBuild Error] 0 is an invalid value for the DebugInformation parameter of the DCC task. The DebugInformation parameter is of type System.Boolean. 正在XE6下编译装置好好]


[MSBuild Error] "0" is an invalid value for the "DebugInformation" parameter of the "DCC" task. The "DebugInformation" parameter is of type "System.Boolean".

在XE6下编译安装好好的,delphi xe4你这是又要闹哪样咯?

还好编译提示非常详细,循着DebugInformation一项仔细查看编译选项,发现里边Compiling -> Debugging -> Debug infomation一项的值竟然是0(正常情况只能取boolean值的),于是选为false,再次编译,发现正常了。




时间: 2024-10-11 06:32:49

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