Life with Adeos-xenomai(翻译官方文档)

//Life with Adeos



Copyright? 2005

Copyright ? 2005Philippe Gerum

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This article gives an overview of the Adeos technology and what itprovides to Xenomai. After an introduction addressing the event pipeline, theimplementation of interrupts dispatching as well as the system eventpropagation, we will then study
the interactions between Xenomai and Adeos. Thenotions of primary and secondary domains will be explained and we will also beinterested in studying how interrupts get propagated. We will finally concludeon a few tips and tricks to disable/enable interrupts
sources and to shareinterrupts between domains.

Table of Contents

1.        What is Adeos..............................................................................................2

1.1.   The event pipeline..............................................................................2

1.2.   Optimistic interrupt protection.............................................................. 4

1.3.   System-event propagation.................................................................... 6

2.        What does Adeos provide toXenomai? ............................................................. 6

2.1.   Xenomai‘s primary and secondarydomains .............................................. 7

2.2.   System call interception..................................................................... 10

2.3.   Interrupt propagation......................................................................... 11

3.        Tips and tricks............................................................................................11

3.1.   Enabling/Disabling interruptsources ..................................................... 11

3.2.   Sharing interrupts betweendomains ..................................................... 12

3.3.   Interrupt sharing and latency............................................................... 13

4.        Conclusion.................................................................................................14

5. Useful links................................................................................................14

1.  What is Adeos

Adeos is a resource virtualization layer available as a Linux kernelpatch, which general design has been proposed(提议) by
Karim Yaghmour in a technical paper,back in 2001.

The current incarnation of this proposal makes it a simple, yetefficient real-time system enabler, providing a mean to run a regular GNU/Linuxenvironment and a RTOS, side-by side on the same hardware.


To this end, Adeos enables multiple entities — called domains — toexist simultaneously on the same machine. These domains do not necessarily seeeach other, but all of them see Adeos. A domain is most probably a complete OS,but there is no assumption
being made regarding the sophistication of what isin a domain. However, all domains are likely to compete for processing externalevents (e.g. interrupts) or internal ones (e.g. traps, exceptions), accordingto the system-wide priority they have been given.


Additionally to its straightforward virtualization capabilities,another key advantage of Adeos relies in its ability to export a generic API toclient domains, which does not depend on the CPU architecture. Therefore, muchif not most of the porting
effort for client domains occurs at the Adeos level.

除了本身简单的虚拟化的兼容性,Adeos的其他优势在于能够依赖自己的能力输出一组通用的API给客户端的domains。这并不依赖于CPU架构。因此,不会有很多的移植修改发生在Adeos level上。

1.1.  The event pipeline

The fundamental Adeos structure one must keep in mind is the chainof client domains asking for event control. A domain is a kernel-based softwarecomponent which can ask the Adeos layer to be notified of:


?           Every incoming externalinterrupt, or auto-generated virtual interrupt;

?           每一次的外部中断,或者自产生的虚拟中断

?           Every system call issued byLinux applications,

?           每一次由linux user端发起的系统调用

?           Other system events triggeredby the kernel code (e.g. Linux task switching, signal notification, Linux taskexits etc.)

?           内核代码产生的触发事件(比如任务切换,信号通知,任务退出等)

Adeosensures that events are dispatched in an orderly manner to the various clientdomains according to their respective priority in the system, so it is possibleto provide for timely and predictable delivery of such events. This is achievedby
assigning each domain a static priority. This priority value strictlydefines the delivery order of events to the domains. All active domains arequeued according to their respective priority, forming the pipeline abstractionused by Adeos to make the events
flow, from the highest to the lowest prioritydomain. Incoming events (including interrupts) are pushed to the head of thepipeline (i.e. to the highest priority domain) and progress down to its tail(i.e. to the lowest priority domain). The figure below gives
a general view ofsome Adeos-based system, where multiple domains are sharing events through thepipeline abstraction:


Event pipeline representation

In the figure above, the position of the Linux kernel with respectto the pipelining order might be anywhere; this said, the Linux kernel stillhas a special role since it stands for the root domain, because all otherdomains need Linux to install
them, usually by mean of loading the kernelmodules which embody them.

上图图标中,linuxkernel的位置不固定;也就是说,尽管替代了root domain,由于其他的domain需要linux来安装自己,kernel仍然扮演一种特殊的角色,通常这意味着通过以linux module的方式来体现自己。

1.2.  Optimistic interrupt protection

In order to dispatch interrupts in an prioritized manner, whilestill allowing domains to create interrupt-free sections, Adeos implements theso-called Optimistic interrupt protection scheme as described by Stodolsky,Chen, and Bershad, in the
following paper. []


The stage of the pipeline occupied by any given domain can be stalled,which means that the next incoming interrupt will not be delivered to thedomain‘s handler, and will be prevented from flowing down to the lowestpriority domain(s) in the same
move. While a stage is stalled, pendinginterrupts accumulate in the domain‘s interrupt log, and eventually get playedwhen the stage is unstalled, by an internal operation called synchronization.Domains use this feature to protect their own critical sections
from unwantedpreemption by their own interrupt handlers. However, thanks to thevirtualization of the interrupt control Adeos brings, a higher priority domaincan still receive interrupts, and eventually preempt any lower priority domain.Practically, this means
that, albeit an Adeos-enabled Linux kernel regularlystalls its own stage to perform critical operations, a real-time system runningahead of it in the pipeline would still be able to receive interrupts any time,with no incurred delay.

kernel 安装自己的平台实现临界操作,在pipeline的实时系统跑在前面,可以接收任意时刻的中断,而不遭受延迟。

When a domain has finished processing all the pending interrupts ithas received, it then calls a special Adeos service which yields the CPU to thenext domain down the pipeline, so the latter can process in turn the pendingevents it has been
notified of, and this cycle continues down to the lowestpriority domain of the pipeline.


Thefigure below illustrates how several domains running on mutiple CPUs can sharethe incoming interrupts through the Adeos pipeline abstraction. Of course, acorrect bookkeeping of pending interrupts must be done while a stage isstalled: this
is achieved by a perdomain, per-CPU interrupt log, as illustratedbelow:

下表展现了,当一个共享中断到来时,通过adeos pipeline如何在一个多cpu运行多domain的实体上的实现通信。当然,当一个平台被安装时,一个正确的悬挂终端的日志已经完成了。

The optimisticinterrupt protection scheme

1.3.  System-event propagation

Interrupts are not the only kind of events which can flow throughthe pipeline abstraction; internal events triggered by the Linux kernel itselfor its applications can generate what is called system events. Basically,system events are synchronous
notifications of trap, exception, or some actionperformed by the Linux kernel, and which gets notified to any interestedparties through the pipeline.

事件不仅仅是包括中断,同样也指其他的pipeline抽象。由linux kernel发出的内部触发事件或者 应用产生的系统调用。基本来说,系统事件就是指同步通知的陷阱和异常,或者是一些通过pipeline发出内核的动作通知给伙伴domain。

Since those events are synchronous by essence, there is no way todefer their notification through the stall operation, just because you cannotdelay their handling. The rationale behind such design decision comes from thefact that a code triggering
a system event might just not be able to continuewithout immediate intervention from the corresponding handler: e.g. the pagefault handler must run immediately upon memory addressing exception, delayingit makes no sense. In other words, stall/unstall operations
on any given domainonly concern interrupts, either real or virtual.


2.  What does Adeos provide toXenomai?

Conversely, this question could also be: what basic guarantees doesXenomai need to provide real-time services? The answer is simple andstraightforward: it must be allowed to handle all incoming interrupts first,before the Linux kernel has had
the opportunity to notice them, and it must beable to handle them immediately, regardless of any current attempt from theLinux kernel to lock them out using the CPU interrupt mask. It must also makesure to always enforce the proper priority management for
its threads,regardless of their current execution domain.


Theseguarantees give Xenomai predictable interrupt latencies in the lowestmicro-second level range whatever activity Linux is undergoing, which oncecoupled with Xenomai‘s fast co-scheduling technique of Linux tasks (i.e. shadowthreading), provide
for deterministic scheduling latencies of real-timethreads. The figure below illustrates the position of the Adeos layer in theXenomai architecture:


Position of Adeos in the Xenomai architecture

Youwill notice that the Adeos interface is directly exposed to the HardwareAbstraction Layer which underlies the Xenomai core. Therefore, most of therequests for Adeos services are issued from the HAL, which implementation canbe found in the
relevant arch/<archname>/haldirectories, the generic bits being available under arch/generic/ hal. Having a look at the latter is the best approach to understand howXenomai makes use of Adeos for its own purposes.


2.1.  Xenomai‘s primary and secondarydomains

Xenomai allows to run real-time threads either strictly in kernelspace, or within the address space of a Linux process. In the rest of thisarticle, we will refer to the latter as the Xenomai threads, not to be confusedwith regular Linux tasks
(even when they belong to the SCHED_FIFO class). All threads managed by Xenomai are known from the real-timenucleus.


Support for real-time threads exclusively running in kernel space isa reminiscence of the mere co-kernel era, before the advent of true real-timesupport in user-space, when real-time applications would only run embodied intokernel modules; this
feature has been kept in Xenomai mainly for the purpose ofsupporting legacy applications, and won‘t be discussed here.


What is more interesting is that Xenomai has a symbiotic approachwith respect to Linux; this is, for instance, what makes it different from theRTAI/LXRT implementation. To this end, Xenomai threads are not only able to runover the context of
the highest priority domain in the pipeline (i.e. theprimary domain) like kernel-based Xenomai threads, but also in the regularLinux space (i.e. the secondary domain), while still being considered asreal-time by Xenomai, albeit suffering higher scheduling
latencies. InXenomai‘s jargon, the former are said to run in primary execution mode, whilstthe latter undergo the secondary execution mode.


In order to provide a complete real-time support to threads runningin the secondary domain, Xenomai needs the following to be achieved:


Common priority scheme.Scheduling-wise, we need a way to have both the real- time nucleus and theLinux kernel share the same priority scheme with respect to the set of threadsthey share the control of; in other words, a Xenomai thread should
have itspriority properly enforced at any time, regardless of its current domain, amongall existing Xenomai threads. Xenomai applies what it calls the root thread‘smutable priority technique, by which the Linux kernel automatically inheritsthe priority of
the Xenomai thread controlled by the real-time nucleus whichhappens to enter the secondary domain. Practically, this means that Xenomaithreads currently running in the primary domain won‘t necessarily preempt thoserunning in the secondary one, unless their
effective priority is actuallyhigher. The above behaviour is to be opposed to what happens with RTAI/LXRT forinstance, where threads migrating to the Linux space actually lose theirreal-time priority in the same move, by inheriting the lowest priority definedby
the RTAI scheduler. This said, regular Linux tasks unknown to Xenomai, andwhich only happen to belong to the SCHED_FIFO class, will always be preemptedwhen competing for the CPU with Xenomai threads from the primary Xenomaidomain, albeit they will still compete
priority-wise with Xenomai threadsrunning in the secondary domain.

domain中竞争时总是被抢占的,在secondary domain竞争也是存在。

Predictability of program executiontimes. When a Xenomai thread runs over the Linux ( i.e. secondary) domain,either executing kernel or application code, its timing should not beperturbated by non real-time Linux interrupt activities, and generallyspeaking,
by any, low priority, asynchronous activity occurring at kernellevel. A simple way to prevent most opportunities for the latter to happen isto starve the Linux kernel from interrupts when a Xenomai thread is running inthe Linux domain, so that no deferred
post-processing could be triggered fromtop-halves interrupt handlers during this period of time. A simple way tostarve the Linux kernel from interrupts is to block them when needed inside anintermediate Adeos domain, sitting between those occupied by the real-timenucleus
and the Linux kernel, which is called the interrupt shield in Xenomai‘sjargon. This shield is engaged whenever a Xenomai thread is scheduled in by theLinux kernel, and disengaged in all other cases. It should be noted that theshielding support can be enabled/disabled
on a per-thread basis, or on asystem-wide basis at Xenomai build time; by default, it is disabled for Xenomaithreads and not built in.

程序运行时间的可预测性。当xenomai线程运行在linux domain下,执行内核代码或者应用代码,他的时序不应该被非实时的linux中断活动、一般的低优先级、异步的发生在内核级的活动所打断。为了降低发生的概率,一个简单的方式就是,当xenomai线程运行在linux domain时,让linux kernel等待,在这段期间,从顶层到来的中断处理会没有延迟的被触发。让linux 内核等待的一种简单方式,即当内部媒介adeos domain被需要时,在被实时微内核和linux
内核占用之间保持将其锁住,即中断屏蔽。xenomai线程被linux 内核调度时中断屏蔽,其他情况下中断打开。注意到,掩码可以是使能或者失能在一个单线程的基本,或者在xenomai 建立时的系统范围内的基本;默认的,在线程中和没有建立时是失能的。

Fine-grained Linux kernel. In orderto get the best from the secondary execution mode, we need the Linux kernel toexhibit the shortest possible non-preemptible section, so that reschedulingopportunities are taken as soon as possible after a Xenomai
thread running inthe secondary domain becomes ready-to-run. Additionally, this ensures thatXenomai threads can migrate from the primary to the secondary domain within ashort and time bounded period of time, since this operation involves reaching akernel rescheduling
point. For this reason, Xenomai benefits from thecontinuous trend of improvements regarding the overall preemptibility of theLinux kernel, including Ingo Molnar‘s PREEMPT_RT extension. Of course, Xenomaithreads which only run in the primary domain are not
impacted by the level ofgranularity of the Linux kernel, and always benefit from ultralow and boundedlatencies, since they do not need to synchonize in any way with the undergoingLinux operations, which they actually always preempt unconditionally.

更细粒度的linux 内核。

Priority inversion management. Boththe real-time nucleus and the Linux kernel should handle the case where a highpriority thread is kept from running because a low priority one holds acontended resource for a possibly unbounded amount of time.
Xenomai providesthis support, but only the PREEMPT_RT variant does so for the Linux kernel. Forthis reason, Xenomai keeps an eye and provides support for the currentdevelopments of PREEMPT_RT, albeit the mainline kernel still remains the systemof reference
for now.


As a consequence of the requirements above, when the Xenomai core isloaded, the underlying Adeos pipeline contains three stages, through which allinterrupts are flowing, by order of priority:

基于以上的描述,当xenomai核心被加载,潜在的adeospipeline 包含3种平台,通过它所有的中断流向的顺序如下:

?           Xenomai‘s primary domain, whichis the home of the real-time nucleus;

?           Xenomai主domain,是实时内核的home

?           The interrupt shield domain;

?           中断掩码的domain

?           The Linux domain.

?           Linux 的domain

The three stages of the Adeos pipeline

2.2.  System call interception(拦截)

Since real-time APIs (i.e. skins) which arestackable over the Xenomai nucleus, can export their own set of services toXenomai threads in user-space, there must be a way to properly dispatch thecorresponding system calls, and the regular Linux kernel system
callsaltogether, to the proper handlers. To this end, Xenomai intercepts everysystem call trap/exception issued on behalf of any of the Xenomai or Linuxdomains by the Xenomai threads. This is made possible by subscribing an eventhandler using the proper Adeos
service (for more on this, see the adeos_catch_event() service, whenspecifying the


由于实时API(皮肤)是附着在xenomai内核之上,在用户空间,它可以输出一系列的服务集合以xenomai线程的方式。必须存在一种合适的方式分发相应的系统调用,包括传统的内核系统调用一起被合适的处理。基于这个目的,xenomai线程发出的每一个系统调用的陷阱和异常,代表了xenomai或者linux domain,都将会被拦截。通过预定一个事件处理函数,利用一个合适的adeos服务,拦截将成为可能。更多细节参考adeos_catch_event()服务,具体表征的是ADEOS_SYSCALL_PROLOGUE/IPIPE+EVENT_SYSCALL事件。

Xenomai uses this capability to:

?           Dispatch the real-time servicesrequests from applications to the proper system call handlers, which areimplemented by the various APIs running over the real-time nucleus;

?           分发应用的请求的实时服务给合适系统调用处理者。这可以通过运行在实时微内核的不同的API来实现。

?           Ensure that every system callis performed under the control of the proper domain, either Xenomai or Linux,by migrating the caller seamlessly to the target domain as required. Forinstance, a Linux system call issued from a Xenomai thread running
in theXenomai domain will cause the automatic migration of the caller to the Linuxdomain, before the request is relayed to the regular Linux system call handler.Conversely, a Xenomai thread which invokes a possibly blocking Xenomai systemcall will be moved
to the Xenomai domain before the service is eventuallyperformed, so that the caller may sleep under the control of the real-timenucleus.

?           保证每一个系统调用都能够在合适的domain控制下,或者xenomai 或者linux中,按照需求移植调用到目标domain。例如,运行在xenomai domain的xenomai线程发布一个linux系统调用将会自动的发生迁徙到linux的domain,动作在转发到传统的linux系统调用处理者之前已经完成。相反的,一个xenomai线程,涉及到可能锁住xenomai系统调用,在最后实现之前,将会被移动到xenomai domain,所以调用者可能会在实时内核的控制下进行休眠。

The combinationof both makes Xenomai threads particularly well integrated into the Linuxrealm. For instance, a common system call path for Xenomai and the regularLinux applications makes the former appear as a natural extension of thelatter. As an illustration
of this, Xenomai threads both support the full Linuxsignals semantics and ptracing feature, which in turn enables the GDB supportnatively for them.


2.3.  Interrupt propagation

Because it isahead in the pipeline, the real-time nucleus which lives in the Xenomai domainis first notified of any incoming interrupt of interest, processes it, thenmarks such interrupt to be passed down the pipeline, eventually to the Linuxkernel domain,
if needed.

由于pipeline中的领头羊位置,实时微内核作为xenomai domain的第一个被通知的实体,第一时间接收中断并处理,然后标记中断是否传递给下一个pipeline,如果需要的话也会传递给linux kernel domain。

When notifiedfrom an incoming interrupt, the real-time nucleus reschedules after the outerinterrupt handler has returned (in case interrupts are piling up), and switchesin the highest priority runnable thread it controls.

The Xenomaidomain yields the CPU to the interrupt shield domain when no real-time activityis pending, which in turn let them through whenever it is disengaged to theLinux kernel, or block them if engaged. Adeos has two basic propagation modesfor interrupts
through the pipeline:

当接收到中断通知后,在外部中断处理返回后,实时微内核被重新调度,切换到一个最高的优先级线程中。当没有实时活动被悬挂时,Xenomai domain掩码cpu到interrupt domain,反过来即让他们注册时锁住,卸载时恢复。通过pipeline针对中断,Adeos有两种基本的分发模式。

?           In the implicit mode, anyincoming interrupt is automatically marked as pending by Adeos into each andevery receiving domain‘s log accepting the interrupt source.

?           隐含模式,任何一个到来的中断都自动被标记为悬挂,收进每一个domain的接收中断源的日志log中。

?           In the explicit mode, aninterrupt must be propagated "manually" if needed by the interrupthandler to the neighbour domain down the pipeline.

?           显性模式,如果需要中断处理函数传递给相邻的domain即更低的pipeline,一个中断必须被标记为手动。

This setting isdefined on a per-domain, per-interrupt basis. Xenomai always uses the explicitmode for all interrupts it intercepts. This means that each handler must callthe explicit propagation service to pass an incoming interrupt down thepipeline. When
no handler is defined for a given interrupt by Xenomai, theinterrupt is unconditionally propagated down to the Linux kernel: this keepsthe system working when the real-time nucleus does not intercept suchinterrupt.

这种设置为定义单domain,单中断基础。Xenomai总是利用显性模式针对所有的拦截的中断。这就意味着,每一个处理函数必须调用显式的分发服务,传递一个到来的中断到低pipeline。对于一个给定的中断,没有中断处理函数时,中断会无条件的传递给linux 内核。当实时微内核不能拦截如此的中断时,仍然能保持系统稳定的工作。

3.  Tips and tricks

3.1.  Enabling/Disabling interruptsources

In addition tobeing able to stall a domain entirely so that no interrupt could flow throughit anymore until it is explicitly unstalled, Adeos allows to selectivelydisable, and conversely re-enable, the actual source of interrupts, at hardwarelevel.


After havingtaken over the box, Adeos handles the interrupt disabling requests for alldomains, including for the Linux kernel and the real-time nucleus. This meansdisabling the interrupt source at the hardware PIC level, and locking out any interruptdelivery
from this source to the current domain at the pipeline level.Conversely, enabling interrupts means reactivating the interrupt source at thePIC level, and allowing further delivery from this source to the currentdomain. Therefore, a domain enabling an interrupt
source must be the same asthe one which disabled it, because such operation is domain-dependent.


Practically, thismeans that, when used in pair, the rthal_irq_disable() and rthal_irq_enable() services which encapsulate the relevant Adeos calls inside thereal-time HAL underlying Xenomai, must be issued from the same Adeos domain.For instance, if a real-time
interrupt handler connected to some interruptsource using the rthal_irq_request() service, disables the source using rthal_irq_disable(), then suchsource will be blocked for the Xenomai domain until rthal_irq_enable() is called for the same interrupt, and
from the same domain. Failingto deal with this requirement usually leads to the permanent loss of theaffected interrupt channel.

实际上,这就意味着,成成对的调用rthal_irq_disable和rthal_irq_enable服务必须是从同一个adeos domain发出的。例如,如果一个事实处理函数链接到了中断源,通过接口rthal_irq_request,通过rthal_irq_disable失能,然后关乎这个中断源的所有中断将会被阻塞,除非该domain调用rthal_irq_enable。请求失败会导致永久丢失相关的中断通道。

3.2.  Sharing interrupts betweendomains

A typical example of mis-using the Adeospipeline when sharing hardware interrupts between domains is as follows:

voidrealtime_eth_handler (unsigned irq, void *cookie) {


*    Thisinterrupt handler has been installed using

*    rthal_irq_request(),so it will always be invoked on behalf o     * the Xenomai (primary) domain.     */

rthal_irq_disable(irq);     /* The Xenomai domain won‘t receive thisirq anymore */        rthal_irq_host_pend(irq);     /*This irq has been marked as pending for Linux */ }

voidlinux_eth_handler (int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs) {


*    Thisinterrupt handler has been installed using

*    rthal_irq_host_request(),so it will always be invoked on

*   behalf of the Linux (secondary) domain,as a shared interrupt

*    handler(Linux-wise).      */     rthal_irq_enable(irq);


*    BUG:This won‘t work as expected: we are only unlocking the

*    interruptsource for the Linux domain which is current here,      * not for the Xenomai domain!


In thenon-working example above, since Xenomai always uses the explicit propagationmode for all interrupts it intercepts, the next ethernet interrupt will bemarked as pending in the Xenomai log only, waiting for the Xenomai handler topossibly propagate it
manually down to Linux. But since the interrupt is stilllocked at pipeline level for Xenomai (remember that nobody actually issued theexpected rthal_irq_enable() from the Xenomaidomain, but only mistakenly from the Linux one), this won‘t happen, because theXenomai
handler won‘t run until the lock is removed. Therefore, well,chickenandegg problem: we are toast.

Fortunately,there is a solution for sharing interrupts properly, between domains which needto keep the interrupt source disabled until the final processing is done (e.g.dealing with level-triggered interrupts is one of those issues): actually, youdon‘t need
to do anything, because Adeos already masks any incoming interruptsat PIC level before feeding the pipeline with it. Therefore, you only need toprocess the interrupt as you see fit in the relevant domain handler, and makesure to re-enable the interrupt source
from the last one using rthal_irq_enable(). Whenever the Linux kernel is one of those recipients, the regularkernel handler will do this re-enabling automatically, so basically, you justneed to bother calling rthal_irq_enable() in handlers which don‘t propagate
the incoming interruptsdownstream to the Linux kernel.

Specifically onthe x86 architecture, it happens that the timer interrupt is not being maskedupon receipt by Adeos, for performances reasons. This said, the timer source isnot one you may want to disable in any way, so this is a nonissue.

3.3.  Interrupt sharing and latency

However, keepingan interrupt source masked while the propagation takes place through the entirepipeline may increase the latency.


Since Adeosguarantees that no stack overflow can occur due to interrupts piling up overany given domain, and because it also stalls the current stage before firing aninterrupt handler, there is no need to disable the interrupt source in theXenomai handler.
Instead you may even want to re-enable it, so that furtheroccurrences can be immediately logged, and will get played immediately afterthe current handler invocation returns.


So, the solutionis to re-write the previous example this way, this time properly:


voidrealtime_eth_handler (unsigned irq, void *cookie) {



/*This irq has been marked as pending for Linux */


voidlinux_eth_handler (int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs) {

/* process the IRQ normally. */


4.  Conclusion

Adeos is a rathersimple piece of code, with very interesting properties when used properly. Thebackbone of the Adeos scheme is the event pipeline, and as such, it brings allthe critical features we need in Xenomai:


?           Predictable interruptlatencies;

?           可预测性的中断延迟

?           Precise interruptvirtualization control (per-domain and per-interrupt handler registration,per-domain and per-cpu interrupt masking);

?           精确的中断虚拟控制(单域和单中断处理注册,单域和单cpu的中断屏蔽)

?           Uniform, prioritized anddomain-oriented propagation scheme for events;

?           统一的、优先级的和域导向的事件分发调度机制

?           A generic and straightforwardAPI to ease portability of client code.

?           通用简单的API方便客户端代码的移植。

Xenomai usesthese features to seek the best possible integration of the real-time servicesit brings with the Linux kernel. Xenomai‘s primary mode delivers true real-timeperformances in the lowest micro-second latency range. Additionally, Xenomaibets on future
evolutions of Linux, like PREEMPT_RT, to improve the kernel‘soverall granularity, so that the secondary mode will still be real-time in thedeterministic sense, with bounded albeit higher worst-case latencies. This isthe reason why Xenomai is working hard since
day one to reach a tightintegration level with the Linux kernel. Think symbiotic, seek mutualism.

5.  Useful links

?           Karim Yaghmour‘s Adeosproposal:

?           Optimistic InterruptProtection:

?           The Adeos project workspace onGNA:

?           Where to download the latestAdeos patches:

?           The Adeos API reference manual:

时间: 2024-07-31 04:25:34

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