Give $20/month and provide 480 hours of free education

Hi ,

Hope all is well. Summer is right around the corner, and the Khan Academy team is excited to spend the next few months growing our library of content and improving our site before the start of the next school year. With everything on our site being entirely free, we depend on contributions from people like you to make this possible.

$20/month can help us provide 480 hours of free education over the next year.

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Your monthly support will help us plan for the future and ensure that we have a base of consistent and loyal supporters that we can count on to help us build the best educational experience we can.

Many of our users don’t have the means to make a donation, so if you’ve found value in Khan Academy and are able to pitch in to keep it free and help us grow, please make a small monthly gift today. Your support will go a long way in providing students everywhere with access to a free education in the coming school year and beyond.

Thank you,

Sal Khan
Founder, Khan Academy
For free, for everyone, forever.

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P.S. Khan Academy is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and your donation will be tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. You’ll also receive the 2015 Patron Badge for donating. Support free education with a monthly gift today!

时间: 2024-11-19 01:46:40

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