[Tue, 11 Aug 2015 ~ Mon, 17 Aug 2015] Deep Learning in arxiv

Image Representations and New Domains inNeural Image Captioning

we find that a state-of-theart neuralcaptioning algorithm is able to produce quality captions even when providedwith surprisingly poor image representations

Deep Boosting: Joint Feature Selection andAnalysis Dictionary Learning in Hierarchy

This work investigates how the traditionalimage classification pipelines can be extended into a deep architecture,inspired by recent successes of deep neural networks

Digging Deep into the layers of CNNs: InSearch of How CNNs Achieve View Invariance

A practical guide to CNNs and FisherVectors for image instance retrieval

CNN robust to scale but not robust torotation (unless your training data contains rotation samples)

FV + CNN maybe better

Submodular Reranking with Multiple FeatureModalities for Image Retrieval

Our submodularreranking framework can be easily generalized to any generic reranking problemsfor real-time search engines

Benchmarking of LSTM Networks


时间: 2024-07-29 23:16:11

[Tue, 11 Aug 2015 ~ Mon, 17 Aug 2015] Deep Learning in arxiv的相关文章

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张珺 2015/07/17 个人文档

姓名 张珺 日期 信息楼南406,中蓝公寓蓝芳园D507,2015/07/17 主要工作及心得 今天,我们先去找老师对程序进行了检查,并讨论了关于报告编写的问题.针对老师指出的问题,以及老师提出的意见.建议,我们在回来后对程序进行了修改.我主要负责对程序界面中中文显示及界面标题的问题进行修改.此外,我继续进行了报告的编写工作 遇到的问题 界面显示.提示信息中缺乏中文信息 解决方法 按照老师要求修改界面和对话框