
Step 1: Generate Private Key

         NOTE: All certificates that will expire after October 2013 must have a 2048 bit key size.

The utility "openssl" is used to generate the key and CSR.
         This utility comes with the OpenSSL package and is usually installed under /usr/local/ssl/bin.
          If the utility was installed elsewhere, these instructions will need to be adjusted accordingly.

  1. Type the following command at the prompt:

    openssl genrsa -des3 -out <private key file name>.key 2048

    For example:

    This command generates a 2048 bit RSA private key and stores it in the file www.mydomain.com.key.

  2. When prompted for a pass phrase: enter a secure password and remember it, as this pass phrase
    is what protects the private key. Both the private key and the certificate are required to enable SSL.

    NOTE: To bypass the pass phrase requirement, omit the -des3 option when generating the private key.
    If the private key is left unprotected, Symantec recommends access to the server be restricted so that only
    authorized server administrators can access or read the private key file.

Step 2: Generate the CSR

  1. Type the following command at the prompt:

    openssl req -new -key <private key file name>.key -out <csr file name>.csr

    For example:

    NOTE: If using openSSL on Windows, you may need to specify the path to openssl.cnf such as the following:
    openssl req -new -key <private key file name>.key -config "c:\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\openssl.cnf" -out <csr file name>.csr

    This command will prompt for the following X.509 attributes of the certificate:

  • Country Name: Use the two-letter code without punctuation for country, for example: US or CA.
  • State or Province: Spell out the state completely; do not abbreviate the state or province name, for example: California
  • Locality or City: The Locality field is the city or town name, for example: Berkeley. Do not abbreviate. For example: Saint Louis, not St. Louis
  • Company: If the company or department has an &, @, or any other symbol using the shift key in its name, the symbol must be spelled out or omitted, in order to enroll. Example: XY & Z Corporation would be XYZ Corporation or XY and Z Corporation.
  • Organizational Unit: The Organizational Unit (OU) field is the name of the department or organization unit making the request. To skip the OU field, press Enter on the keyboard.
  • Common Name: The Common Name is the Host + Domain Name. It looks like "www.company.com" or "company.com".
    Symantec certificates can only be used on Web servers using the Common Name specified during enrollment. For example,
    a certificate for the domain "domain.com" will receive a warning if accessing a site named "www.domain.com" or
    "secure.domain.com", because "www.domain.com" and "secure.domain.com" are different from "domain.com".

    NOTE: Please do not enter an email address, challenge password or an optional company name when generating the CSR.

  1. A public/private key pair has now been created. The private key (www.domain.com.key) is stored locally on the
    server machine and is used for decryption. The public portion, in the form of a Certificate Signing Request (certrequest.csr), will be for certificate enrollment.
  2. To copy and paste the information into the enrollment form, open the file in a text editor such as Notepad or Vi and
    save it as a .txt file. Do not use Microsoft Word as it may insert extra hidden characters that will alter the contents of the CSR.
  3. Verify your CSR
  4. Once the CSR has been created, proceed to Enrollment.

Step 3: Backup the private key

Symantec recommends backing up the .key file and storing of the corresponding pass phrase.
        A good choice is to create a copy of this file onto a diskette or other removable media. 
        While backing up the private key is not required, having one will be helpful in the instance of server failure.

Contact Information
       During the verification process, Symantec may need to contact your organization. Be sure to provide an email address,
       phone number, and fax number that will be checked and responded to quickly. These fields are not part of the certificate.

时间: 2024-08-29 16:39:54



http://www.openssl.org 上只有OpenSSL的原代码下载,为了方便Windows用户使用OpenSSL,我们特地为您准备了OpenSSL 0.9.8.a for win32的可执行版本(binary版) 下载地址是: http://www.myssl.cn/download/OpenSSL_0.9.8.a_Win32.zip 你也可以使用 OpenSSL CSR在线生成器: http://www.myssl.cn/openssl/createcsr.asp (注意:您必须同


openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout 1dottea.com.key -out domain.com.csr 这条命令将会生成2个文件:1个csr文件和1个key文件 domain.com.csr domain.com.key 将csr文件内容复制粘贴到godaddy中,点击申请. 申请成功之后,下载将会得到一个zip压缩包,我选择的时候选择的是其他类型(没有nginx服务器,所以选择的其他). 压缩包里面有2个类似下面的文件 313f


linux生成https的key和csr文件: # openssl genrsa -des3 -out bugzilla.key 1024  (会提示设置密码) 去除密码(不想去可不执行): # openssl rsa -in bugzilla.key -out bugzilla.key 生成.csr文件: # openssl req -new -key bugzilla.key -out bugzilla.csr 中间除hostname处其它随便写 然后将.csr文件给负责https证书的人,

【转】linux下使用openssl生成 csr crt CA证书

创建测试目录 mkdir /tmp/create_key/ca cd /tmp/create_key/ 证书文件生成: 一. 服务器端 1. 生成服务器端 私钥(key文件): openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024 运行时会提示输入密码,此密码用于加密key文件(参数des3是加密算法,也可以选用其他安全的算法),以后每当需读取此文件(通过openssl提供的命令或API)都需输入口令,如果不要口令,则去除口令: mv server.key serv


1.首先要生成服务器端的私钥(key文件): openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024 运行时会提示输入密码,此密码用于加密key文件(参数des3便是指加密算法,当然也可以选用其他你认为安全的算法.),以后每当需读取此文件(通过openssl提供的命令或API)都需输入口令.如果觉得不方便,也可以去除这个口令,但一定要采取其他的保护措施! 去除key文件口令的命令: openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.key

linux下使用openssl生成 csr crt CA证书

本文主要借鉴和引用了下面2个地址的内容,然后在自己的机器上进行了测试和执行,并做了如下记录. ref: http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-26760055-id-3128132.html http://www.111cn.net/sys/linux/61591.htm 创建测试目录 mkdir /tmp/create_key/ca cd /tmp/create_key/ 证书文件生成: 一.服务器端 1.生成服务器端    私钥(key文件); openssl genr


证书文件生成 也许很多人和本人一样深有体会,使用OpenSSL库写一个加密通讯过程,代码很容易就写出来了,可是整个工作却花了了好几天.除将程序编译成功外(没有可以使用的证书文件,编译成功了,它并不能跑起来,并不表示它能正常使用,所以--),还需生成必要的证书和私钥文件使双方能够成功验证对方. 找了n多的资料,很多是说的很模糊,看了n多的英文资料,还是没有办法(不知道是不是外国朋友都比较厉害,不用说明得太清?),无意间找到yawl([email protected])写的文章,难得的汉字(呵呵).

使用javah生成.h文件, 出现无法访问android.app,Activity的错误的解决

在工程ndk22/bin/classes中 运行javah  com.cn.ndk22.Ndk22.Activity ,出现了.h文件 我在bin/classes目录中 ,就是无法访问, : 错误:无法访问android.app.Activity 找不到android.app.Activity 如下图所示 于是我cmd定位到ndk/src,中运行 javah com.heima.ndk.ndkActivity, 成功了就能成功了 ...我也不知道为什么.,如下图 总结:  使用javah生成.h


生成一批文件的批处理程序 最近在看一个系列的教程,然后肯定要记笔记的是吧. 本是按部就班每看完一个视频建立一个文件记录笔记的,可天不如人意,断网了.趁着无事就想把那些笔记文件都先建立起来.但是课程有点多,一个个新建有点麻烦,就想到了批处理,这个操作文件so easy的语言. 实现的代码如下: rem 创建一批文件 @echo off cls echo. & echo Initialize... set filepath=%cd% set filetype=txt set beg=1 set en