Multi-label && Multi-label classification

In today’s blog post you learned how to perform multi-label classification with Keras.

Performing multi-label classification with Keras is straightforward and includes two primary steps:

  1. Replace the softmax activation at the end of your network with a sigmoid activation
  2. Swap out categorical cross-entropy for binary cross-entropy for your loss function

From there you can train your network as you normally would.

The end result of applying the process above is a multi-class classifier.

You can use your Keras multi-class classifier to predict multiple labels with just a singleforward pass.

However, there is a difficulty you need to consider:

You need training data for each combination of categories you would like to predict.

Just like a neural network cannot predict classes it was never trained on, your neural network cannot predict multiple class labels for combinations it has never seen. The reason for this behavior is due to activations of neurons inside the network.

If your network is trained on examples of both (1) black pants and (2) red shirts and now you want to predict “red pants” (where there are no “red pants” images in your dataset), the neurons responsible for detecting “red” and “pants” will fire, but since the network has never seen this combination of data/activations before once they reach the fully-connected layers, your output predictions will very likely be incorrect (i.e., you may encounter “red” or “pants”but very unlikely both).

Again, your network cannot correctly make predictions on data it was never trained on(and you shouldn’t expect it to either). Keep this caveat in mind when training your own Keras networks for multi-label classification.

多类分类(multiclass classification)学习的分类器旨在对一个新的实例指定唯一的分类类别,常用的策略有两类:基于后验概率或距离一次给出所有类别的度量,选择度量值最大的类别作为预测类别;将多类分类分解为许多二元分类问题,然后组合所有二元分类的结果。

多标签分类(multilabel classification)分类器给一个新的实例指定多个类别。这个分类模型有很广泛的实际应用,如:一个文档可能同时属于多个分类;一个蛋白质可能具有多个功能。并且,多个标签之间可能存在一定的依赖或约束关系,如蛋白质的所有功能组成的Go(gene ontology)。这个依赖或约束关系具有层次特性,经常可以描述为树或有向无环图结构,机器学习社团称之为层次多标签分类。由于模型的输出具有层次结构,因此层次多标签分类又属于另外一个近来非常活跃的研究领域:结构预测。层次多标签分类和结构预测都是崭新的、富有挑战性的研究领域。
        使用scikit-learn实现多类别及多标签分类算法 。多标签分类格式

多类分类(Multiclass Classification)



One-vs-All or One-vs.-rest:


one-vs-one or All-vs-All:


多标签分类(multilabel classification)





代表性学习算法有一阶方法Binary Relevance,该方法将多标记学习问题转化为“二类分类( binary classification )”问题求解;二阶方法Calibrated Label Ranking,该方法将多标记学习问题转化为“标记排序( labelranking )问题求解;高阶方法Random k-labelset,该方法将多标记学习问题转化为“多类分类(Multiclass classification)”问题求解。



代表性学习算法有一阶方法ML-kNN},该方法将“惰性学习(lazy learning )”算法k近邻进行改造以适应多标记数据;二阶方法Rank-SVM,该方法将“核学习(kernel learning )”算法SVM进行改造以适应多标记数据;高阶方法LEAD,该方法将“贝叶斯学习(Bayes learning)算法”Bayes网络进行改造以适应多标记数据。


时间: 2024-08-01 21:36:03

Multi-label && Multi-label classification的相关文章


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label标签组件说明: label标签,与html的label标签基本一样.label 元素不会向用户呈现任何特殊效果.不过,它为鼠标用户改进了可用性.如果您在 label 元素内点击文本,就会触发此控件.就是说,当用户选择该标签时,就会自动将焦点转到和标签绑定的表单控件上,主要用来改进表单组件的可用性.使用for属性找到对应的id,或者将控件放在该标签下,当点击时,就会触发对应的控件.for优先级高于内部控件,内部有多个控件的时候默认触发第一个控件.目前可以绑定的控件有:<button/>


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1,创建 Widget 为了显示label,我们需要新建一个Widget.也就是所谓的小工具. 在菜单上点击[NGUI]-->[Create]-->[Widget].之后,Hierarchy面板上,会自动建立出 UI Root,包括(Camera .Container). 2,创建 Label 在层级面板中,点击Container,然后菜单上点击[NGUI]-->[Create]-->[Label].这样,就新建了一个Label. Label 的其他重要参数: ■字体变色: [颜色


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python读取mnist label数据库

<br>[offset] [type] [value] [description] 0000 32 bit integer 0x00000803(2051) magic number 0004 32 bit integer 60000 number of items 0008 unsigned byte ?? label 0009 unsigned byte ?? label ........ xxxx unsigned byte ?? label Mnist label数据结构如上. 完整代