《 rh124-exam》linux练习


IPADDR: 172.25.x.100(X 在这里指您的工作站编号)


GATEWAY: 172.25.x.254



1.在进行考试之前,请先重置根用户密码为 examwestos

[[email protected] ~]# passwd

Changing password for user root.

New password:

Retype new password:

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

2.更改主机名称为 station.domainX.example.com(X 在这里指您的工作站编号)

[[email protected] ~]# hostnamectl set-hostname station.domain19.example.com

[[email protected] ~]# hostname


3新建组,名称为 sysadms,指定其 GID 为 600

[[email protected] ~]# groupadd -g 600 sysadms

4新建用户 tommy,指定 UID 为 2013,配置该用户密码为 redhat

[[email protected] ~]# useradd -u 2013 tommy

[[email protected] ~]# id tommy

uid=2013(tommy) gid=2013(tommy) groups=2013(tommy)

[[email protected] ~]# passwd tommy

Changing password for user tommy.

New password:

BAD PASSWORD: The password is shorter than 8 characters

Retype new password:

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

[[email protected] ~]#

5新建用户 Jimmy,,并且禁止该用户交互式登录,配置该用户密码为 redhat

[[email protected] ~]# cat /etc/shells            ##通过该命令可以查看该系统可支持的shell类型









[[email protected] ~]# useradd -s /sbin/nologin Jimmy

[[email protected] ~]# passwd Jimmy

Changing password for user Jimmy.

New password:

BAD PASSWORD: The password is shorter than 8 characters

Retype new password:

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

6新建用户 natasha,harry, 并将这两个用户加入到 sysadms 组当中,作为从属组,如果需要,则将用户密码配置为 redhat

[[email protected] ~]# useradd -g sysadms natasha

[[email protected] ~]# useradd -g sysadms harry

[[email protected] ~]# passwd natasha

Changing password for user natasha.

New password:

BAD PASSWORD: The password is shorter than 8 characters

Retype new password:

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

[[email protected] ~]# passwd harry

Changing password for user harry.

New password:

BAD PASSWORD: The password is shorter than 8 characters

Retype new password:

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

7在/home 目录中创建目录 materials,配置该目录的所属组为 sysadms,要求隶属于 sysadms 组当中的成员对该目录有读写权限,在


自动继承 sysadms 的所属组

[[email protected] ~]# mkdir /home/materials

[[email protected] ~]# chgrp sysadms /home/materials -R

[[email protected] ~]# chmod g+rw /home/materials

[[email protected] ~]# chmod g+s /home/materials

8拷贝/etc/fstab 文件到/var/tmp 目录中,设置以下需求

[[email protected] ~]# cp /etc/fstab /var/tmp/

使 harry 用户对该文件无任何权限

[[email protected] ~]# setfacl -m u:harry: /var/tmp/fstab

setfacl: Option -m incomplete

使 natasha 对该文件有完全控制权限

[[email protected] ~]# setfacl -m u:natasha:rwx /var/tmp/fstab

配置文件所属用户为 root

[[email protected] ~]# chown root /var/tmp/fstab

配置文件所属组为 root

[[email protected] ~]# chgrp root /var/tmp/fstab


[[email protected] ~]# chmod o+r /var/tmp/fstab


[[email protected] ~]# chmod o-x /var/tmp/fstab

9设置 NTP 客户端,与172.25.x.254进行时间同步

[[email protected] ~]# vim /etc/chrony.conf

3 server iburst

[[email protected] ~]# systemctl restart chronyd.service


10找出用户组mail 拥有的文件,并且将它们放到/root/findresults 目录中

11在文件/usr/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml 中查找所有包含 ich 的行,将找


文件中,/root/lines 文件不包含空格,并且其中行的内容是源文件/usr/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml 原始行的


时间: 2025-01-21 16:13:08

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