[Rust] Pass a JavaScript Function to WebAssembly and Invoke it from Rust

In some cases it’s useful to be able to invoke a JavaScript function inside Rust. This session showcases how this can be done, by passing along our JavaScript functions to the WebAssembly module instantiation.

First let‘s create a function in js:

      const appendNumberToBody = (number) => {
        const text = document.createTextNode(number);

Wrap this function into a single object which contains ‘env‘:

      const importObject = {
        env: {
          appendNumberToBody: appendNumberToBody

When we load wasm, we can pass in the object:

WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch("utils.gc.wasm"), importObject)

It return a promise, we can run the exported function return by wasm inside the promise.

Now we are going to create a function in Rust:

extern {
    fn appendNumberToBody(x: u32);

pub extern fn run() {
    unsafe { // we need to wrap with unsafe if getting the passed in value from third party

We exprot ‘run‘ function, then we can invoke it inside promise:

      WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch("utils.gc.wasm"), importObject)
      .then(wasmModule => {


Full code: Github


<!DOCTYPE html>

      // pass the data from Js to Rust
      const appendNumberToBody = (number) => {
        const text = document.createTextNode(number);

      const importObject = {
        env: {
          appendNumberToBody: appendNumberToBody,
          alert: alert

      WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch("utils.gc.wasm"), importObject)
      .then(wasmModule => {


extern {
    fn appendNumberToBody(x: u32);
    fn alert(x: u32);

pub extern fn run() {
    unsafe {


时间: 2024-11-05 18:43:11

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