[Java in NetBeans] Lesson 17. File Input/Output.



We want to handle the bad Error. (e.g bad input / bugs in program)

1. File() : A Java representation of a file.

File file = new File("test.txt");

2. PrintWriter() : Write to a file.

  • Write string into the file.
// Write 2 lines(Johnson, 26) into the test.txt file. (If not exist then create one, otherwise will overwrite it.)
PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(file);

3. Scanner() : Read from a file.

  • Read string from the file.
Scanner input = new Scanner(file);
String name = input.nextLine();
int age = input.nextLine();

4. Object Serialization : convert an object into a series of bytes so they can be written to disk

  • Serialization: Object to Disk
  • Deserialization: Disk to Object
  • In order to use the seialization, we need to add implement Serializable in the class definition (the contens will be in a binary format)
public class Student implements Serializable {
  • FileInputStream & ObjectInputStream

       Read from a file as bytes and deserialize a data input stream back into an object

// deserialize the collection of students
FileinputStream fi = new FileinputSream(file);
ObjectInputStream input = new ObjectOutputStream(fi);
    Student s =(Student) input.readObject();
input.close();// Important when writing a file as operating system will deny other programs access until the file is closed
  • FileOutputStream & ObjectOutputStream

       Write to a file as bytes and serialize an object into a data input stream

// serialize the collection of students
FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputSream(file);
ObjectOutputStream output = new ObjectOutputStream(fo);
for(Student s: students){
output.close();// Important when writing a file as operating system will deny other programs access until the file is closed


时间: 2024-08-01 19:45:52

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