DB-Engines Ranking

DB-Engines Ranking

trend chart

The DB-Engines Ranking ranks database management systems according to their popularity. The ranking is updated monthly.

Read more about the method of calculating the scores.

345 systems in ranking, September 2018
Rank DBMS Database Model Score
1. 1. 1. Oracle Detailed vendor-provided information available Relational DBMS 1309.12 -2.91 -49.97
2. 2. 2. MySQL Detailed vendor-provided information available Relational DBMS 1180.48 -26.33 -132.13
3. 3. 3. Microsoft SQL Server Detailed vendor-provided information available Relational DBMS 1051.28 -21.37 -161.26
4. 4. 4. PostgreSQL Detailed vendor-provided information available Relational DBMS 406.43 -11.07 +34.07
5. 5. 5. MongoDB Detailed vendor-provided information available Document store 358.79 +7.81 +26.06
6. 6. 6. DB2 Detailed vendor-provided information available Relational DBMS 181.06 -0.78 -17.28
7. 8. 10. Elasticsearch Detailed vendor-provided information available Search engine 142.61 +4.49 +22.61
8. 7. 9. Redis Detailed vendor-provided information available Key-value store 140.94 +2.37 +20.54
9. 9. 7. Microsoft Access Relational DBMS 133.39 +4.30 +4.58
10. 10. 8. Cassandra Detailed vendor-provided information available Wide column store 119.55 -0.02 -6.65
11. 11. 11. SQLite Detailed vendor-provided information available Relational DBMS 115.46 +1.73 +3.42
12. 12. 12. Teradata Detailed vendor-provided information available Relational DBMS 77.38 -0.02 -3.52
13. 13. 16. Splunk Search engine 74.03 +3.53 +11.45
14. 14. 18. MariaDB Detailed vendor-provided information available Relational DBMS 70.64 +2.34 +15.17
15. 15. 13. Solr Search engine 60.20 -1.69 -9.71
16. 18. 19. Hive Detailed vendor-provided information available Relational DBMS 59.63 +1.69 +11.02
17. 17. 15. HBase Detailed vendor-provided information available Wide column store 58.47 -0.33 -5.87
18. 16. 14. SAP Adaptive Server Detailed vendor-provided information available Relational DBMS 58.04 -2.39 -8.71
19. 19. 17. FileMaker Relational DBMS 55.30 -0.75 -5.69
20. 21. 22. Amazon DynamoDB Detailed vendor-provided information available Multi-model Document store,
Key-value store
53.34 +1.69 +15.52
21. 20. 20. SAP HANA Detailed vendor-provided information available Relational DBMS 52.73 +0.80 +4.40
22. 22. 21. Neo4j Detailed vendor-provided information available Graph DBMS 40.10 -0.83 +1.67
23. 23. 23. Couchbase Detailed vendor-provided information available Document store 34.55 +1.59 +1.44
24. 24. 24. Memcached Key-value store 31.54 -1.38 +2.60
25. 25. 27. Microsoft Azure SQL Database Detailed vendor-provided information available Relational DBMS 25.25 -0.85 +3.65
26. 26. 25. Informix Relational DBMS 24.91 -0.48 -2.93
27. 28. 26. Vertica Detailed vendor-provided information available Relational DBMS 20.36 +0.32 -1.65
28. 27. 30. Firebird Relational DBMS 20.25 -0.04 +2.38
29. 29. 37. Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Detailed vendor-provided information available Multi-model Document store,
Graph DBMS,
Key-value store,
Wide column store
19.18 -0.35 +7.95
30. 30. 28. CouchDB Document store 18.64 +0.21 -2.35


时间: 2024-10-28 08:09:33

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